FLUID POWER Christopher Peterson Intro to Tech and Science Education
Definition of the Problem There is a need for a material-handling system for Old Skool Widgets. The material handling system must pick up and move a widget that is 1 ½’’ x 1 ½’’. The system must move forward, back, up and down but will be moved on the z axis by hand. It will need to be able to maneuver over a 6’’ obstacle. The base must be 10’’ x 10’’ and be made of wood, metal, and/or plastic. The robot will must be hydraulic, pneumatic, mechanical, and/or electrical system. Old Skool widgets is looking for a machine that can be easily operated and overall efficient.
Brainstorming Ideas
Research Photo syringe-robot-design.html syringe-robot-design.html Youtube Video
Research Photo oduct_Code= oduct_Code= Curriculum Document culum/pdfdownloads/bioengineering_student.pdf culum/pdfdownloads/bioengineering_student.pdf
Ideas – refined… Installing a flat claw would allow to pick up objects with ease.
Ideas – refined… Weighting the back down would help counteract the overall weight of the arm
Ideas – refined… Drilling holes and taking out material in the arm will help lessen the weight of the arm
Best Idea –time to move forward 13.5’’ Arm 10’’ Base 12’’ Arm 7’’-3’’ Box My robot will be able to pick up and move the 1.5’’ – 1.5’’ widget by hydraulic syringes. There is a clamp with two flat sides which will clamp a desired object. The control box is right behind the machine and the syringes on the side make it user friendly. I chose this design because it seemed the most efficient as well as durable.
Prototype Construction (Shoulder) The shoulder of my robot is on a wooden dowel axel. The bottom is supported by a syringe connected to a piece of wood.
Prototype Construction (Elbow) This is the elbow to my robot. I was going for a design that would allow me to go up high and down far enough to grab the widget. I went with a wooden dowel as my axel.
Prototype Contraction (Gripper) I designed my gripper with two flat sides using a syringe to move it back and forth.
Prototype Construction (Hydraulics) There are three sets of hydraulics on my robot. There is one for the shoulder, one for the elbow and one for the gripper. I placed a syringe under the shoulder arm to raise the arm. I placed one syringe on the shoulder arm to push up the elbow part of the arm. I placed the last syringe on the clamp to push back and forth the gripper. All the hoses go back and connect to the control box.
Prototype Construction (Controllers) I attached my control box to the back of my robot. The shoulder and arm controls are on the sides while the gripper control in on top. It is covered by Plexiglas and the finish product contains food coloring.
Testing/Evaluation Areas for Improvement: As I tested my robot I noticed that my arm was relatively heavy and the weight would push down the arm by itself. Areas of Success: My robot successfully picked up and placed the widget where it needed to be. It got over the 6’’ obstacle and it functioned smoothly. Double Click for Video
Improvements made I drilled holes and cut out material which made my arm lighter. I was having a problem with weight on the syringes and this improvement helped with that problem.
Final prototype As I made my way through the design process I was able to successfully come up with a working solution. Working through this process allowed me to work through problems to come up with my final solution.