Mr. Nicholson’s Defining Moments Gr. 10 Canadian History
Beginnings Born Sept 6, 1964 Toronto, ON, Canada Parents Murray (27) & Sieglinde (28) First born child with one sister 17 months younger Parents married April Met at McLaren Advertising 1961
Roots Father born in Port Elgin, ON ancestors came from England mid 1800s for farm land Mother born in East Prussia, Germany (now Poland) Came to Canada 1959 Bad memories of WW 2 Father killed in war Lost farm in East Prussia
Mother’s Immigrant Experience Mother found Canada too cold in March Ugly power / telephone lines Bad bread Buses / Trains not on time Exploited working as maid Language barrier
Mother’s Immigrant Experience Mother & Brother immigrated as well Good German friends Plenty of jobs Houses / Land cheap Peace i.e., no war Freedom from German cultural expectations Fell in love with Murray
Great Depression & WW 2 Both parents born during the Depression Mother’s family lived under Hitler tyranny Invading Russians brutal East Prussia Poland Germany split in two Communist East shut off from Democratic West
Life Comparisons Parents Grew up on farms few material possessions as children Culture Teen years clean cut 1950s with no divorce, drugs, sex Finished high school lots of career opportunities Housing cheap Married with children in their 20s Mr. Nicholson Grew up in city Travelled to Disney World Florida as child Culture Teen years wild 70s/80s with drugs, sex, rock music Finished university good career as teacher Housing expensive Married with children in my 30s
World Events 1969 Man on the moon 1969 Man on the moon 1972 Summit Series 1976 Montreal Olympics 1981 A.I.D.S. 1989 Fall of communism 1990 – 91 Gulf War 1992 – 93 Blue Jays World Series winners 2001 9/11 terrorism
Influences on my Life Bicultural family –German / Canadian Multicultural society – starting in high school Travel – cottage, Florida, Europe Christ – Trent U Thailand – met wife
Thailand Experience Church Youth Worker Language study Culture shock (rice for breakfast?) No snow bonus CMIS – teaching again Living the simple life – bicycling & no TV Its all about relationships
Conclusion Taught at Markville since Feb Live in the community 3 children Love to travel with family / friends Future – live simple life Thailand, Florida, cottage, relationships