One to One Program Recommendation As presented to the Galion Board Of Education June 28, 2012
1-to-1 Computer Program Why consider a 1 to 1 program? Creates a 21 st Century learning environment that equips students with a technology device (laptop, notebook, netbook) Expands the learning environment to 24 hour-a-day, 7 day-a- week access to digital content, educational software, and personal productivity and communication tools Offers flexible learning options (digital courses, credit recovery, post-secondary options) Provides teachers with an effective means for individualizing instruction, testing students, and tracking student data
1-to-1 Computer Program Why consider a 1 to 1 program? Promotes project-based lessons with a focus on problem solving and critical thinking skills necessary for college or the work force Improves student attitudes towards learning and motivation to learn Research studies show that students with higher levels of access to technology are more motivated in school and develop important skills that prepare them to succeed in the 21st century. These quantitative and qualitative research reports show that students with routine access to computers score higher in writing assessments, demonstrate better analytical skills, collaborate more, and have lower absenteeism and dropout rates Supports retention and recruitment of new students
1-to-1 Computer Program Essential Conditions Shared Vision Empowered Leaders Implementation Plan Consistent and Adequate Funding Equitable Access Skilled Personnel Professional Development Technical Support Curriculum Framework Assessment and Evaluation Supportive Policies International Society for Technology In Education
Technology Equipment Distribution: Primary Elementary School: Relocate one iPad cart to Primary ES from Intermediate ES providing a total of 106 iPads for K-2 (6 per classroom) Maintain two desktop computer labs Locate 4 PC computers to every classroom for student use (relocated from other buildings) Intermediate Elementary School: Provide all students and teachers in grades 3, 4, and 5 an iPad II for use 24/7 Locate 2 PC computers in every classroom for student use (relocated from other buildings) Maintain one desktop computer lab and one mobile computer lab Install Apple TV devices in classrooms for increased interactive use of iPads Apple TVApple TV
Technology Equipment Distribution: Middle School Provide all students in grades 6, 7, and 8 a laptop computer for use 24/7 Maintain one iPad II cart for use in the building Relocate the 8 Apple desktop computers to the library Remove / relocate to other buildings the computers in the two stationary desktop labs (No stationary labs at MS) Place a PC desktop in each Teacher Workroom High School: Provide all students in grade 9 laptop computers for use 24/7 Consider a Bring-Your-Own Device Program in grades Add another laptop lab (cart of 25) Continue access to: Stationary lab in room 108 Two laptop carts iPad I cart Place a PC desktop in each Teacher Workroom
Budget: Item:Grade Levels:Quantity:Cost: Mobile Lab $238,868 *laptop cost includes AppleCare One to One Laptops iPad II3-5480$284,184 Apple TV w/VGA Cord 3-5 classrooms 25$2,342 TOTAL:$505,243 ** Purchase to be made from bond funds which can not be used for general fund purchases such as salary, benefits, and general expenditures Special Notes: Laptop bags to be purchased by students – not included in estimate District will need to purchase covers for the iPads Quantities include spares Grade 3-5 teachers will be issued an iPad II for classroom use Casper software will be purchased annually for remote management of iPads Funding will be designated for additional professional development
Other Supports: Supportive Policies: Set expectations for use of technology tools in the classroom setting Student Expectations and Training (K-12 Technology Curriculum / move toward report card items) Communication Plan Hardware and Network Support: Password and account management Verify and test the WIFI for buildings Storage and file management Curriculum and Instruction: Resolve software compatibility issues Framework for eLearning - Blizzard Bags, hybrid courses, alternative to suspension Assessments and rubric recommendations District designated software (Office vs. Apple, Google Docs etc.) Professional Development Short and long term Implementation / sustainability plan Communication and evaluation plan