Industry in the Czech Republic Poland Slovakia Austria Germany Prague
Position of the Czech Republic in Europe
- very long tradition: from 19th century - industry developed in the areas with necessary minerals Industrial production in the territory of the Czech Republic Industrial production needs: -raw materials: e.g. minerals, coal -enough water -energy -people -infrastructure : e.g. transport
Basic information 35 % of Czech economy (62.2 % services, 2.8 % agriculture) 40 % of all economically active people work in industry The Main branches: Engineering and machine engineering Mining Chemical industry Foodstuff industry Other branches: Energy Construction industry Consumer industry Glass blowing
Industrial areas
Engineering and the machine engineering Automotive industry: makes 54 % of Czech export Automobiles: Škoda (about 923,000 car per year/ 90 % exported) Large vehicles/trucks: Tatra (Dakar race) Buses: Iveco-Karosa Trolleybuses, tramways,metro: Škoda Industry in the Czech Republic
Automotive industry: Tractors: Zetor Motorcycles: Jawa Airplanes: Aero Boats, ships:Loděnice
Mining industry Steel production Black and brown coal mining Building stone mining Oil and gas Uranium
Chemical industry Basic chemistry – petrochemistry - oil processing: Benzina, Unipetrol Pharmaceuticals, cosmetics:Zentiva, Dermacol Rubber: Barum Plastics: Fatra Paper: Papírny
Foodstuff industry Meat and meat products:Hamé, Krahulík Dairy production: Danone, Olma, Madeta Confectionery: Orion Beer: Prazdroj, Budvar, Radegast Spirits and liquors: Becherovka
Other worldwide known products Jewelery
1 Decide if the following statements are true or false: 1 35 % of economically active people work in industry. 2 Only black coal is mined in the Czech Republic. 3 Škoda brand doesn´t mean only cars. 4 Aeroplanes are made in CR. 5 Baťa is a Czech brand. Exercises
2 Find the following companies in the wordsearch: DermacolCrystal BenzinaBudvarPetrof OrionTatraBataAero Skoda
3 Match the brands with products: Dermacolbeer Crystalchocolate Budvarlarge vehicle/truck Skodashoes Orioncosmetics Tatraglass Baťacars/trams/wagons Aeropianos Benzinaplanes Petrofpetrol Exercises
4 Choose the correct product: 1 Madeta produces cheese/salami/beer. 2 Kalas is the brand of motorbikes/sportswear/alcohol. 3 The company of Barum makes tractors/tyres/toys. 4 Zentiva is a producer of cosmetics/medicaments/liqueur.
Thank you for your attention.
Sources X&ei=nJT1VO3jEsbWUbW_gpAK&ved=0CB8QsAQ#imgdii=_&imgrc=VvvOglIylbNe-, vybrat.aspx,, analytici-benzin-v-lete-muze-i-zlevnit-38-korun-za-litr-urcite-neprolomi, vybrat.aspx analytici-benzin-v-lete-muze-i-zlevnit-38-korun-za-litr-urcite-neprolomi VPnGGoT2PMbggegH&bvm=bv ,d.bGQ&psig=AFQjCNFs1WpQcvJJCCL2Uwj95Hs3UGDqMg&ust= product/pol/thumb/nova%20krajena_polican.jpg, product/pol/thumb/nova%20krajena_polican.jpg