2015 Welcome to Back to School Mrs. Shew - English 9
2 About me… Wife and mother of 3: 21, 15, 12 who attend in BHSD and University of San Francisco volleyball and baseball CSULB and National University graduate Taught preschool, high school, special ed., substituted, ELD, at-risk English, regular English and honors English
Pride Honor Respect I expect kids to act in a “professional” manner in the classroom, and to begin to advocate for themselves, rather than having parents doing their speaking for them. This helps prepare for life after high school. The student should speak to me or me regarding issues and questions before parents do so in most cases.
Participate and give a TRUE effort Follow the District’s rules for behavior. Cheating will result in a zero for the assignment, and a call home to parents as well as referral to the Vice Principal
Curriculum The curriculum adheres to the Common Core State Standards; this is a shift. We will be focusing on solidifying writing skills, critical reading skills, listening/speaking skills, and technology skills. I have given each of you a “Year at a Glance” handout that speaks to the curriculum in more detail.
6 Novels It is strongly recommended that novels listed on your “Year at a Glance” are purchased so that you can annotate text. If books cannot be purchased, a book will be checked out to you so that are able to annotate the text using sticky notes.
Students need a free reading book of their choice EVERY day at ALL times. This is the best activity choice for extra time when work is complete. The only other option is homework for another class. Having a book with you will be a grade and this will be checked periodically without warning. You may need to visit the library on YOUR OWN! D.E.A.R. Drop Everything And Read
The goal of homework assigned in my classes is to reinforce concepts or information, complete class exercises and provide practice. Homework is also helpful in teaching students to be focused, organized, and responsible. Late homework will be accepted for no greater than a “ C ” grade. Turning in late work WILL cause a student ’ s grade to drop, and could affect the following year’s recommendation for placement. I adhere to the District ’ s absence make-up work policy explained in the Student Handbook.
Technology We are using a great deal of technology this year to promote life and career readiness as well as collaboration. Students are encouraged to use computer labs in the library, at lunch and after school. I practically live in this room and make myself very available for help and support. Two Chromebooks will be here as well. When printer issues arise, I expect an or handwritten and signed note from the parent. I also expect the student to the document and to come in and print it out. I am attempting to help you learn to solve your own problems and promote independence.
Technology I adhere to ALL school and district policies. If in doubt, go by those rules. However, I feel that mobile devices can be extremely useful as tools in the classroom and for personal organization. Set in SILENT mode every morning! Device can be FACEDOWN in right hand corner of the desk all period, but may be used only AS DIRECTED by the teacher. At NO TIME, are you allowed to use your device to play games. Devices will be used for academic or organizational purposes only. We are professionals! 10
The GRADING POLICY is weighted in the following categories: 10% Journal writing 10% Listening/Speaking 15% Homework/Classwork 15% Reading/Literature 5% Quizzes 20% Tests/Assessments 25% Writing/projects
Should you have questions or concerns, will bring you the quickest response. Assignments and handouts/media will be posted on my web page, which can be accessed through the staff web pages on the school website and will also be posted on the board in the classroom. If a student is absent, the web page or another student from the class should be consulted.
ESD-Extended School Day We are very lucky to be having an Extended School Day here this year, so everyone will be on track to graduate. When: Tuesdays and Thursdays from 3:15-4:00 There will be a late bus home. Parents will be notified. This is a chance to get extra help. You may go for help on your own, or you may be assigned to attend by a teacher for missed assignments. NO MISSED assignments are allowed. 13
Substitutes You are expected to be on your utmost, very BEST behavior with any guest teacher. We HONOR them, respect them, follow THEIR rules, and make their lives as easy as possible. Their word WILL BE trusted whether or not you agree with them. No cell phone usage allowed with guest teachers. If you name is left for negative reasons by a guest teacher, you will have: 1 st offense – 3 days lunch detention and call home 2 nd offense- 5 days lunch detention, call home and an office referral DON’T MESS AROUND! 14
Planner A three-ring binder with dividers Loose lined notebook paper Two black/blue pens Pencils One red (or colored) pen reading book Composition book/Journal ALL of these items will be used regularly. Writing in the planner helps organization and generates extra credit points.