Benchmarking in European Service of public Transport BEST BEST seminar 2007 Berlin November 2nd - Completed version1 Common challenges and the possibilities to improve the process of strategic planning Some initial thoughts based on existing strategy documents in BEST member cities Bo Tengblad Consulting
Benchmarking in European Service of public Transport BEST BEST seminar 2007 Berlin November 2nd - Completed version2 Background We started a CIG* on Strategic planning. The CIG had one meeting - very few had time for more. The CIG was closed down. That was a pity – let us try another strategy! * Common Interest group Today's discussion Based on a rather superficial study on some strategic documents from Oslo, Helsinki, Stockholm, Gothenburg and Vienna …combined with some experience from PT-planning I have identified some questions to discuss today… …and maybe the discussion will continue even after this seminar
Benchmarking in European Service of public Transport BEST BEST seminar 2007 Berlin November 2nd - Completed version3 Why “strategic plans”? Planning to create future happiness or to avoid future disasters? To be able to handle long term uncertainties? To identify future needs, demands and expectations from relevant stake-holders? “The strategic plan is ultimately no more no less than a set of decisions about what to do, why to do it and how to do it. Strategic planning implies that some decisions and actions are more important than others – much of the strategy lies in making the tough decision about what is most important to achieving organisational success”
Benchmarking in European Service of public Transport BEST BEST seminar 2007 Berlin November 2nd - Completed version4 To summarize: Benefits of a Strategic plan? 1.Communicate important decisions and priorities 2.The process itself, when the plan is created
Benchmarking in European Service of public Transport BEST BEST seminar 2007 Berlin November 2nd - Completed version5 Why benchmark on ”strategic planning”? ”Strategic planning is one of the most critical activities that business perform. The resulting decisions are far- reaching and greatly impact ultimate successes or failures” “Strategic planning is so difficult because it involves many interdependent facets of an organisation on top of which is all the uncertainty each brings into play”
Benchmarking in European Service of public Transport BEST BEST seminar 2007 Berlin November 2nd - Completed version6 Who is planning? The PTA The City? A cluster of cities? The County? A functional region? Oslo Sporveien (City) SL (County) Stockholm SL (County) Helsinki HKL (City) YTV/SAD (region) Gothenburg ”A functional region” Copenhagen Movia (regional, buses) DSB (state, trains) ÖSS (regional, metro) Vienna WL (City) Berlin?
Benchmarking in European Service of public Transport BEST BEST seminar 2007 Berlin November 2nd - Completed version7 Strategic planning has many stakeholders Public Transport Authorities Municipalities/Cities Counties National Road Administration National Rail Administration Functional regions Business organisations –Operators Trade unions Customers The Public Others Who should plan? PTA – responsible for PT –How involve stakeholders? An integrated network of stake holders –How to handle so many focuses?
Benchmarking in European Service of public Transport BEST BEST seminar 2007 Berlin November 2nd - Completed version8 A general process of strategic planning Getting ready –Organize the work Articulation of Mission and Vision –Purpose, Business, Values –An image of what success would be like Assessing the Current Situation –External relevant trends –Strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, threats to the organisation Developing general strategies, long-range goals and specific objectives –…to handle critical issues and approach the vision Completing the written plan Implementation and evaluation
Benchmarking in European Service of public Transport BEST BEST seminar 2007 Berlin November 2nd - Completed version9 Strategic planning – the process (1) Getting ready Mission Vision Status today External trends SWOT analyses Strategies, comprehensive goals, specific objectives Resources, pricing, financing investments SP!
Benchmarking in European Service of public Transport BEST BEST seminar 2007 Berlin November 2nd - Completed version10 Strategic planning – the process (2) SP Action plans Implementation of many different projects E v a l u a t i o n ! ! Goals fulfilled
Benchmarking in European Service of public Transport BEST BEST seminar 2007 Berlin November 2nd - Completed version11 Top ten trends affecting public transport* 1. Economic globalisation 2. Energy issue 3. New technologies 4. Demographic changes 5. Lifestyles and behaviours 6. Security issue 7. Urban development 8. Environmental issues 9. Scarcity of public funds 10. Market framework * The changing context of mobility, M Mezghani, UITP 2007 The vicious circle of urban mobility More cars More congestion Slower PT Lower PT quality Less PT customers Lower PT revenue Urban sprawl More people dependent on car use More roads Decrease in PT supply Inner cities less attractive Transfer of activities to outskirts
Benchmarking in European Service of public Transport BEST BEST seminar 2007 Berlin November 2nd - Completed version12 How to break the vicious circle? Better responding to citizens expectations Higher public transport system efficiency Improve business management Make public transport more attractive for investment Improve stakeholder interaction More efficient lobbying “The context has never been as favourable for public transport as it is now – but it implies proactive sector and actors”
Benchmarking in European Service of public Transport BEST BEST seminar 2007 Berlin November 2nd - Completed version13 Strategic planning: An efficient tool for breaking the vicious circle of public transport- in the hands of proactive stakeholders?
Benchmarking in European Service of public Transport BEST BEST seminar 2007 Berlin November 2nd - Completed version14 Oslo: K2008 Today's situation Strategic goals –Customers, Society, Economy, Staff, Operators National & local frameworks –Financing of investments Market development Public transport and car-traffic Perspectives 2025 Strategy and goals 2015 Action plan Economy/finance Projects 2008 Plan 2011 Action Plan 2015 Goals 2025 Perspectives
Benchmarking in European Service of public Transport BEST BEST seminar 2007 Berlin November 2nd - Completed version15 Oslo K2008: Perspective 2025 Environment New technology Traffic supply –Alternative TREND –Alternative CHANGE Consequences for the subsystems (tram, metro, buses) Accessibility
Benchmarking in European Service of public Transport BEST BEST seminar 2007 Berlin November 2nd - Completed version16 Oslo K2008: Strategic goals Customers –Number of passengers –Customer satisfaction –Image of PT Society –Market share –Safety –Environment Economy –Subsidies –Predictability –Own capital –Contracts on finance Staff –Satisfied employees –Attractive place of work Operators –Business according to contracts –Climate of cooperation
Benchmarking in European Service of public Transport BEST BEST seminar 2007 Berlin November 2nd - Completed version17 Oslo K2008: Public transport and car traffic Joint analyses –City and Region –National Road Administration Strategy of development of road network The role of public transport Increased importance of environmental aspects Traffic regulation –Road pricing –Car free zones
Benchmarking in European Service of public Transport BEST BEST seminar 2007 Berlin November 2nd - Completed version18 Oslo K2008: Goals and strategies 2015 Customers and market share Environment and safety Quality Pricing The Metro Tram: –Holmenkollen trikk –Other trams City buses Regional buses Boats Trains Interchanges and terminals Park and ride Accessibility in the streets Purchasing strategy Organisation Economy
Benchmarking in European Service of public Transport BEST BEST seminar 2007 Berlin November 2nd - Completed version19 Helsinki: Strategic plan 2015 Authority's vision Personnel vision Producer vision Traffic supply vision Vision for sustainable development Economic vision Customer vision
Benchmarking in European Service of public Transport BEST BEST seminar 2007 Berlin November 2nd - Completed version20 Customer vision The quality of PT services will exceed customer expectations Sustainable development vision The bulk of PT services will be provided using rolling stock powered by electricity or gas Producer vision HKL will be the leading producer of PT services in the Helsinki region Transport vision Traffic will be smooth and and PT will be competitive Personnel vision HKL will provide meaning to employee's work Authority vision As an authority HKL will create the prerequisites for successful PT Economic vision Cost will be covered by fare receipts, fare subsidies and congestion charges
Benchmarking in European Service of public Transport BEST BEST seminar 2007 Berlin November 2nd - Completed version21 Stockholm: Strategic platform 2005/ Analyses if external trends 2.Our market customer segmentation 3.Vision, mission and core values our brand 4.Comprehensive goals, Key figures and Specific objectives (2007) 5.Strategies (2005) –Business (8) –Staff (2) –Way to working (3)
Benchmarking in European Service of public Transport BEST BEST seminar 2007 Berlin November 2nd - Completed version22 “The Stockholm steering model” Customers Operators Society Staff Owner + “Our way of working” Comprehensive goals Key measures Key figures Specific objectives
Benchmarking in European Service of public Transport BEST BEST seminar 2007 Berlin November 2nd - Completed version23 Stockholm: goals & key measures Customer Volume, satisfaction and loyalty Experienced punctuality Operators Businesslike + partnership Delivered punctuality Staff Attractive employer Satisfied personnel Society Long term sustainable regional development Renewable fuel, energy consumption Owner Contribute to a socially well balanced transport system Fixed share of tax-financing Cost-efficiency Increased revenues
Benchmarking in European Service of public Transport BEST BEST seminar 2007 Berlin November 2nd - Completed version24 Gothenburg: K 2020 Many stakeholders within the joint project –City, PTA, National Road Administration, National Rail Administration, The Joint municipalities of the Gothenburg region Public transport an integrated part of the regional development –“Regional plan” Started the goals presented June 2007 –Increased travel with public transport –From radial to network structure Focus on infrastructure issues and… …finance issues
Benchmarking in European Service of public Transport BEST BEST seminar 2007 Berlin November 2nd - Completed version25 Gothenburg K2020 Public transport of today Conclusions of the situation today SWOT-analyses Scenarios on travel development (15 – 25 years) Analyses of priority actions
Benchmarking in European Service of public Transport BEST BEST seminar 2007 Berlin November 2nd - Completed version26 Transport Master Plan Vienna 2003 Transport policy model Mobility Traffic safety Road network and public spaces Pedestrian traffic Cycle traffic Public transport Motorized individual transport Stationary vehicles Shipping Air transport Mobility management Awareness rising Steering instruments Measuring and managing success Effects of the programme of measures Priorities, financing
Benchmarking in European Service of public Transport BEST BEST seminar 2007 Berlin November 2nd - Completed version27 Transport Master Plan Vienna: From specific needs of Vienna… …to Vienna's role in the new Europe Overlooking the next 20 years “Innovative - but not utopian. Clear priorities - but not fundamentalist. Specific - but not constrictive. Open to the new Europe - but a plan for Vienna.”
Benchmarking in European Service of public Transport BEST BEST seminar 2007 Berlin November 2nd - Completed version28 Transport Master Plan Vienna Intelligent mobility Acceptance Cooperation Innovation Sustainability Effectiveness
Benchmarking in European Service of public Transport BEST BEST seminar 2007 Berlin November 2nd - Completed version29 Transport Master Plan Vienna: Measuring and managing success Criterion: modal spli Journeys of Viennese citizens every day Commuters every day Measure of success Car transport: -25% Cycling: +8% Pedestrian: +/- 0 PT: +40% Environmentally friendly modes: = 75% PT/Cars: from 35/65 to 45/55 Other criterions: Traffic density, density of car traffic, mobility choices, safety, emissions
Benchmarking in European Service of public Transport BEST BEST seminar 2007 Berlin November 2nd - Completed version30 The Vienna strategy on tendering of services ”In order not to put the integration of the underground, tram and bus systems at risk in connection with liberalisation of public urban transport systems, the City of Vienna advocates the position that there should be a choice between direct contracting and performance and controlled competition. Should decisions be given in the higher courts which make further liberalisation compulsory exceptions must be made for rail transport systems”
Benchmarking in European Service of public Transport BEST BEST seminar 2007 Berlin November 2nd - Completed version31 Observed similarities & differences OsloStrong focus on traffic supply HelsinkiVisions - to be completed StockholmGoals and priorities - to be completed GothenburgAll stakeholders engaged – regional plan - and a gigantic project! ViennaMaster plan for the City Very ambitious, rather humble, putting public transport in its social context, taking necessary considerations to what is “politically correct”. Are they focused and proactive enough – aggressive! - to create the very best public transport during the next decades?
Benchmarking in European Service of public Transport BEST BEST seminar 2007 Berlin November 2nd - Completed version32 A fatal concern for Public Transport? ”More attractive Public Transport” is on everyone's lips and PT is supposed to solve social problems in many dimensions Consequences of being “Ein Mädchen für alles”? Hypothesis: –if there is no strong focus on “what is best for public transport” success will fail to appear
Benchmarking in European Service of public Transport BEST BEST seminar 2007 Berlin November 2nd - Completed version33 “Do not blame me, it is the politicians….“ Who is responsible? If we were not victims of circumstances but had the full professional responsibility for strategic planning of public transport: How would we really like to do it? Where is focus? On public transport as a business (“service logic”) or on public transport as an integrated part of social development (“political logic”) or a balanced mix of both?
Benchmarking in European Service of public Transport BEST BEST seminar 2007 Berlin November 2nd - Completed version34 Questions to discuss 1.What constitutes a successful “Strategic plan”? 2.How do you produce strategies, goals and action plans for your business and its development? 3.How do you involve relevant stakeholders in that work? How do you involve customers? 4.How do you identify and consider external trends that are relevant to public transport? 5.How do you identify and consider actual and future needs and expectations from customers, staff, society, operators, owners
Benchmarking in European Service of public Transport BEST BEST seminar 2007 Berlin November 2nd - Completed version35 More questions… 6. How do you consider information from your own surveys and other statistics in the strategic planning process? 7.Is Public Transport “Ein Mädchen für alles”? - Are there too many stake-holders in strategic PT-planning? -How to focus the needs and prerequisites of PT excellence? -How to focus on PT “service logic”? -Strategic competence missing? 8.Implementation: how do you create consistency between vision and actions? 9.How do you evaluate and improve your strategic planning process? 10.Other questions