Introduction to Keyboarding Welcome
Classroom Expectations Introduction to Keyboarding Ms. Nichols E-10
Student Behaviors Be prompt-On Time Be ready to learn when class begins. Stay in your seat Raise your hand for permission to get tissue, sharpen pencil, etc. Be a polite and positive participant Speak in a normal tone of voice, and listen attentively.
Student Behaviors Be Prepared to SHARE keyboards Turn off all electronic devices and put them away or risk confiscation Be productive Turn in work on time, and always do your best.
Student Behaviors Be a problem solver Correct problems quickly and peacefully before they escalate. Give space to others to pass by you Accept others apologies when offered Share your knowledge with others
Show Respect Value yourself. Be honest and ethical, and practice strong moral values. Treat all members of the school community and all visitors with politeness and respect. Honor the ideas and opinions of others.
Show Respect Offer to help others as opportunities arise. Be responsible with your own property and belongings. Keep your electronics put away and no one will take them. Be Kind to the Substitute Teacher
Responsibility for Coursework Bring yourself and an open mind to class each day. Many people are different – allow them to be different than you. Know due dates, and submit all coursework on time. Bring pencil, pen and paper to class
Responsibility for Coursework – Look for my name under the tab that says “faculty/staff”; Click staff directory Ms. Crystal Nichols and your class period All assignments will be posted on the bulletin board and on the class Web site.
Responsibility for Coursework You will need a binder with a section for music class-I will do binder checks Do your best – some assignments will be easy, while others may be more difficult Yes, you are expected to memorize music terms and be able to define terms Yes, we will be sharing keyboards Yes, you will learn how to play the keyboard with both hands
Promote Lifelong Learning You can develop lifelong learning traits: BBy showing curiosity about human nature and how the world works. BBy seeking and valuing diversity. BBy persisting in seeking out new solutions. BBy using your unique talents and intelligence to promote positive change. BBy learning and applying technology tools to solve problems.
Policies Beverages are permitted with a closable top. Please be in your seat when the bell rings, as class begins at that time. Stay in your seat unless given permission to move around. Door Restroom Bell Rings Announcements Absences Ask team members or a classmate first for assignments.
Grading Grades are based on the accumulation of points. Points are based on: Class participation (effort) Completion of assignments (daily work) Major projects, exams, and self-reflection Our Grading Scale % = A 80-89% = B 70-79% = C 60-69% = D Below 60% = F Grades are calculated on cumulative percentage and are rounded up whenever possible.
My Pledge to Students I will trust you until you give me reason to do otherwise. I will respect you and work with you to solve problems. I will promptly correct and offer feedback on your work. I will work with you to meet learning goals. I will offer extra help and alternative assessments should you require them.
Welcome to Ms. Nichols’ Music Class I look forward to making music with each of you :-D