6 th Grade Mr. Oaxaca, Ms. Yager, Mrs. Garfield, Ms. Gonzalez, Mrs. Terrazas, Ms. Porras, Mrs. Talavera and Ms. Renovato Jane A. Hambric School
Principal: Mr. James Nunn Assistant Principals: Mr. Bruce Mooy, Ms. Tomczuk School Number: Teacher’s Address: Social Studies: Ms. Yager Science: Mrs. Garfield ELAR: Ms. Gonzalez & Ms. Porras Math: Mr. Oaxaca & Mrs. Terrazas ESL: Mrs. Talavera & Ms. Renovato
Classroom Rules & Expectations Respect yourself, others and school property at all times. Food, gum and drinks are prohibited in the classrooms. Electronic devices are prohibited except for instructional use. Follow the dress code at all times. Please be on time and prepared before the tardy bell rings. *It is your responsibility to bring your supplies to class every day.
CONSEQUENCES 1) Verbal Warning 2) Student/Teacher Conference (during lunch or afterschool) 3) Parent Contact/Conference (during teacher conference or afterschool) 4) Office Referral
POSITIVE REINFORCEMENTS *Criteria would be passing all classes and no referrals. 1) In Class Rewards 2) Every 9 Weeks either Fun Days or Fieldtrip 3) Last Friday of the Month is Free Dress
. Entering the Classroom: Students will enter the classroom quietly. Take out materials you will need for the day, and be prepared. End of Class Dismissal: I dismiss the class, not the bell. Students will be dismissed by groups.
Working in Cooperative Groups : Students are placed in teacher chosen groups at all times. 1. You are responsible for your own work. 2. You are to ask a "support buddy" for help if you have a question. 3. You must help if you are asked for help. 4. You may ask for help from the teacher when the group agrees on the same question.
Courtesy and Respect: When addressing your fellow classmates or the teacher, always remember to say “please” and “thank you”.
Responsibilities MY RESPONSIBILITIES AS YOUR TEACHER: 1.To treat you with respect and care as an individual. 2.To provide you an orderly classroom environment. 3.To provide the necessary discipline. 4.To provide the appropriate motivation. 5.To teach you the required content.
Responsibilities YOUR RESPONSIBILITIES AS OUR STUDENTS: 1.To treat me with respect and care as an individual. 2.To attend classes regularly & be on time. 3.To be cooperative and not disruptive. 4.To study and finish my work. (KEY TO SUCCESS!) 5.To learn and apply the required content.
Improvement List The Improvement list applies to students who misbehave or are failing ANY subject during a three week period. Students are able to get off the list when grades are at passing standards and behavior has improved with that specific class/teacher.
Improvement List Consequences Students will not be able to participate in any of the rewards stated in the discipline plan.
T.L.L. (Tough Love Lunch) Students will be referred to T.L.L. for failed assignments, make-up work, or incomplete assignments. Students will continue to be in T.L.L. UNTIL all assignments are completed and turned in to their respective teacher.
Spanish I & II Students will complete their 2 high school credits required for graduation There is no EOC (end of course test) Attendance is very important (loss of credit) Must study 20 minutes every day