Class Expectations
Entering the Room… Pick up your supplies and go to your desk! Do not come in, put your stuff down, and leave! When you’re in, you’re in! Be in your seat before the bell rings or you are late. Begin working before the bell!
Remember to bring your supplies each day! Planner Pencils Pens Paper Handouts Books Homework
Follow class procedures There are procedures that we will learn for: Group work Whole class instruction Turning in work Taking a test
Use time wisely… Don’t throw away your time by wasting it! Work hard! Ask questions! Help each other! Don’t be lazy!
Be Professional… It is important to turn in assignments that are neat, clean, and professional! No drawing on, wrinkling, crumpling, tagging, or decorating your work!
End of class Work until the bell rings Do not pack up before the bell rings Clean up before you leave The teacher dismisses you, not the bell!
Follow school rules! Know the rules for: Classroom behavior Dress Code Attendance Electronic Devices Bad language
Use your own brain! Cheating is a violation of school policy. Consequences include a 0% F grade on the work, referral, parent phone call, and repeated cheating will result in removal from class with no credit!
Respect each other! Use your language with respect! Treat each other kindly! No put-downs! Speak with good purpose!
No electronic devices This includes cameras, recording devices, cell phones, iPods, MP3 players, video games (p. 32 in student handbook). If the teacher sees any of these, the item will be taken away and handed over to the vice principal’s office for parent pick up.
No food, drinks, candy, or gum.
Bottled water is okay If you spill water, it will be easy to clean!
No grooming in class
No perfume, cologne, hair spray, body spray,or scented lotion
Be Successful!