In my classes it will be assumed that everyone wants to be successful. Based on that assumption, each student will be expected to behave in a way that creates the best opportunity for all students to succeed. As a reminder, the classroom expectations that are found in the Pirate Planner are listed below, along with some comments and a few do’s and don’ts that will apply to all students in my classroom.
1.Be respectful and considerate of your teacher and classmates in both words and actions. Making insulting or degrading comments about other students is disrespectful and inconsiderate. Laughing at other students is disrespectful and inconsiderate. Arguing with the teacher regarding class policies is disrespectful and inconsiderate. Attempting to “get the last word” is disrespectful and inconsiderate. If you are told to stop something, stop. Don’t argue about it.
1.Be respectful and considerate of your teacher and classmates in both words and actions. Disrespectful or inconsiderate behavior on someone else’s part does not free you from the need to behave appropriately yourself. You control your own behavior. Do not ever make excuses for your own behavior based upon someone else’s behavior.
2.Remain awake and avoid the impression you are asleep. Do not lay your head down on the desk or close your eyes. Laying your head down on your arms is the same as laying them down on the desk. Do not cover your eyes with your hands so I can’t see them. Do not use your book bag to keep me from seeing you behind it.
2.Remain awake and avoid the impression you are asleep. Occasionally drifting off is one thing, but laying your head down is something else. Unless you fall asleep so hard your head drops to the desk, laying your head down is a decision you make to give up for the period. Decide to stay awake, not to go to sleep.
3.Come prepared for class by bringing: a.pencil & pen b.biology notebook/folder and paper c.textbook d.other material as assigned Pirate planner Points sheet Chapter objectives ID (worn properly at all times)
4.Sit in your assigned seat. Be in your seat when the bell rings Face forward. Your desk is in front of you. So are the board and the TV monitor. The only reason to face backwards is to talk to people you aren’t supposed to be talking to. Sit with all 4 chair legs on the floor. When you lean back they gradually break. They also slip. Sit up. Ask for permission if you need to get up to sharpen your pencil or throw away your trash. If we are in the middle of something wait until an appropriate time.
5.Work only on assignments from the class you are in unless otherwise directed by your teacher. This is not a study hall. Don’t work on homework for other classes during our class activities. Before we start or after we finish is OK, but put them away once we start our own activity. Don’t write notes, read notes, or pass notes. I will take them and throw them away. No exceptions. If you want to keep them, keep them put away at all times in this classroom. NO PHONES OR OTHER ELECTRONIC DEVICES
6.Keep food and drinks out of the classroom. Simple enough. Don’t even bring them into the room. There is a water fountain across the hall.
7.Remain in your seat and continue to work until the bell rings. The class will be dismissed by the teacher after the bell has rung. Don’t get up and line up in the aisle or by the door before the bell. Stay seated till class is over.
8.Participate in class. Try to be mentally engaged at all times. Respond, ask questions, and answer questions when it is appropriate to do so.