Welcome to Exploring Careers Ms. Prevette’s Class
Classroom Expectations Come into the classroom quietly Expect to use paper/pen/pencil every class-so bring it with you As you come in check video screen for directions –or assignments Some “art” supplies will be provided as long as you respect my materials Demonstrate respect for self, others and school property.
Classroom Procedures Tissue & pencil Passes Noise Substitute Grading Classroom expectations Breaking classroom expectations Cellphones Dismissal
Tissue & pencil/paper You are expected to provide your own pencil or pen for class You do not need permission to get up and trim your pencil or get a tissue-please wait until I am done with instructions or during a lesson or lecture
Agendas REQUIRED when leaving the clas You must ask permission before leaving the room to go to the bathroom or anywhere else at Paisley When given permission to go to leave the room: Record destination in agenda (back of agenda or bottom of current day’s page) Go directly to your permitted destination
Noise and Activity Classroom warning to turn down volume. Class will stop activity or video Class could lose a future kitchen lab Individuals may be required to complete assignment independently or sent to a “time out” location
Substitute Students are not to use the computers or any other materials other than what is deisganted in assignment Students should put their names and class day/period on their work and turn it in-finished or not They will receive a quiz grade based on how much they co they complete Any of the handouts are beneficial for any grade. Suib will take names of students names who misbehave for me to contact parent.
Kitchen Policies-for Life Skills You are not allowed to go into the kitchens unless we are having a kitchen lab that day This is not the cafeteria-no food, drinks, candy allowed You must pass Nutrition test and complete assignments before participating in labs You must follow all posted kitchen rules We cook 3 rd quarter-some classes may be allowed to before then-grades and behavior will determine
Grading Projects60% Classroom participation15% Classroom quizzes/tests25%
Choosing not to follow expectations 1stVerbal warning/student conference 2ndStudent sent out/sent to timeout desk- possible exclusion from class activity or video 3rdParent contact 4thDiscipline referral (D1) 5thPossible Loss of team activities, sports, clubs,
Cell phones/Electronics You are not to have cellphones or electronic devices out in my classroom. Administration has instructed all teachers to take any cell phone or electronics to the office, to be picked up by Student/parent.
Dismissal You will be informed you when it’s time to get ready to get out of here. END OF DAY DISMISSAL: Stay in your seats quietly and wait until your bus has been called You may work on homework or read You may talk quietly-I should not hear you from the door If you can’t remain quiet you will be sent to another class. No cellphones/electronics until you leave my room.
Time Out Procedures In the unfortunate and hopefully unnecessary event requiring your “time out” from this class: 1.Report immediately to designated class- Mr. Puryear: room 105 or Mr. Matthews room Complete assignment sent with you 3.Disruption in this class will result in a write up and exclusion from future “fun days” in class.
Welcome to Life Skills Ms. Prevette’s Class