Used to cut off Eastern from Western Europe Nonviolent protests March on Washington House Un- American Activities Committee Started new programs in science education Jonas Salk George Wallace Space Race Brown vs Board of Education Increased minorities in colleges and businesses Developed vaccine for polio Mao Zedong Ended segregation in schools Sputnik Led China to become largest Communist state Protest where people refused to get off buses Soviet satellite; ushered in space race with US
Used an axe handle to keep blacks out of his restaurant NAACP lawyer’ argued Brown vs Board of Education; first African American court justice Douglas MacArthur Cold War Thurgood Marshall Civil Rights Act of 1964 Commander of UN forces in Korea Became first African American to play in the major leagues Civil disobedience Marshall Plan Prohibited discrimination based on race, color, religion, or other ethnic origin Warsaw Pact Gave massive aid to European countries to rebuild their economy Used to pressure Congress to pass new Civil Rights bill Agreement between Soviet Union and Eastern European satellites to combat NATO Freedom Rides
Baby boom Refused to give up her seat to white man GI Bill Claimed to have names of 100s of Communists infiltrating the US government Helped veterans get cheaper housing Martin Luther King, Jr Joseph McCarthy Sending supplies past Soviet blockade Led bus boycotts and marches in Civil Rights Era Alabama governor who prevented integration North Atlantic Treaty Organization Berlin Airlift Letter from Birmingham Jail Questioned people about possible Communist sympathies Nations pledged to defend each other if attacked Affirmative Action
Truman Doctrine Presidential advisor; opposed segregation; bailed MLK out of jail Promised assistance of countries resisting Communism Billy Graham Time of high birth rates after WW II Lasted 13 months; ended bus segregation in Alabama Sweatt vs Painter Time when US and Soviet Union built up nuclear weapons but never fought Spied for Soviet Union in US; sold secrets about atomic bomb Montgomery Bus Boycott Involved black man trying to go to UT’s law school Rosa Parks Lester Maddox Julius Rosenberg Jackie Robinson Explained that African Americans couldn’t wait any longer for equality Iron Curtain