Context Impact of colonial history on transport Central Business Districts designed for minority with no room for road expansion Rate of Urbanisation Poverty Lack of budgets for road construction & maintenance Importation of second hand cars
The problem of urbanisation (1950 – 2030) Relative Growth (2000= 100%) world Africa Asia Europe LAC Northern America Oceania Africa’s relative growth in urbanisation is steeply increasing and is now the highest in the world The growth rate is approximately 3.3 to 3.7 per cent annually
Results ROAD SAFETY Main Issues Road design No provision for NMT Narrow roads with no shoulders Increased number of haulage trucks Poor road maintenance Poor maintenance of vehicles Poor driving skills including drunken driving
Road safety results continued Data collected for most indicators but is not analyzed and impacts not assessed Data collection is fragmented In most partner countries relevant legislation in place but not enforced Road safety is a priority due to increased number of accidents
Road Safety: Capacity Needs Training on data analysis Training on assessment of economic costs of accidents Training on interpretation of data for evidence based policy formulation Funding for research activities Exposure to newer road designs and new concepts of road design and traffic management
Results TRAFFIC FLOW MANAGEMENT Main issues Increasing number of vehicles without increase road capacity
Traffic flow mgt main issues Too many uncontrolled intersections of high volume roads Non-functional traffic lights Poor road design Poor traffic control –police not present at bottlenecks
Traffic flow mgt main issues Poor road maintenance No provision for NMT Limited transport options (no subways, trains, large buses, etc)
Traffic flow Management Research activities Data related to traffic flow not collected No studies on travel and traffic behaviour, traffic bottlenecks Road network capacity not assessed Lack of funds Legislation in place but not enforced
Traffic flow Management – Capacity Needs Training on collection of data for traffic flow indicators Exposure to newer road designs and new concepts of road design and traffic management Upgrading of roads Funding
Results AIR POLLUTION Main issues The contribution of the transport sector to air pollution is not a priority for most countries Standards for vehicle emissions generally missing UNEP & APINA facilitated sub- regional frame works with targets to reduce age of imported second hand vehicles.
Air pollution main issues continued Data on emissions are estimated using emission factors Emission inventories are generally not compiled by the authorities. The only emissions inventory conducted by APINA for non-GHG based on year 2000 in 5 of the 6 countries Most of the countries have compiled one GHG emissions inventory as Initial Communication to UNFCCC Second Communications are being compiled
Air pollution main issues continued No modelling of air pollution done except in South Africa Limited studies on impacts of air pollution on health, environment, economy No funds to purchase equipment to monitor emissions
Air pollution main issues – capacity needs Training on monitoring Training on segregation of emissions by source Training on compilation of city level inventories Training on modeling Training on impact assessment Enhancement of monitoring equipment