EDCI 8265 Professional Development Project Tempestt Adams, Jennifer Dashiell, Katie Golfus, Eugenia Hopper, & Nick Triplett
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●Information Communication Technologies (ICTs) and Web 2.0 tools ●Strategies and examples applicable to critical pedagogical aspects o Instruction o Student Presentations o Group Work & Collaboration ●Outline a process for “adapting and transforming” for your classroom Introduction
Lesson Presentation Let’s Flip It! Educreations
Why the Flip? Can I Flip? Benefits ●Pre-made short clips by topic ●Repetition of demonstration ●Opportunity to adjust lesson pacing Requirements ●Computer with microphone ●IPads ●an account *Be sure to make creations public
No tech? No problem. ●Presentations on the Smartboard in real time. ●Student small group presentations using small white boards.
Lesson Presentation Personalized Learning
Lesson Presentation Personalized Learning Cont.
Personalized Learning Benefits ●prepare small group/individual lessons in advance ●short, pre-made lessons ●teach groups simultaneously Requirements Blends pace: ●an account ●websites/resources ●*desktop (internet) Learnzillion: ●an account ●internet access ●microphone
No tech? No problem. ●Favorites designated on a computer, organized in a folder of appropriate websites with a corresponding packet of assignments ●Video on portable device with corresponding packet of assignments
Before ●static ●monologues ●unimodal Student Presentations After ●dynamic ●dialogues ●multimodal What creative tools or approaches have you used for students to present their work? Share in the chat box.
The Portfolio ●demonstrate learning in multiple ways ●show growth ●variety of artifacts
Benefits ●combine student- created and found artifacts ●multimedia resources ●comment and collaborate ●no public speaking! Requirements ●computers and Internet access ●knowledge of saving and uploading files
No tech? No problem. ●accumulation ●variety ●creativity ●group creation ●sticky notes
Working Together- E-Reading!!!! E-readers ●Handheld device ●Electronic versions of books, newspapers, magazines Various forms ●Tablets, app versions
Working Together-Good Stuff??? Wear and tear Electronic bookmarks Continuous access Eliminates check-in/check-out Less expensive Tech appeal Less is more (in groups)
Working Together-Optimus Prime Quality product ●Ex.- exploding e-readers Wi-fi or USB access to text Multi-function ●Download text and other materials
Working Together- Tradition???? Easier to assign work Guaranteed access to same material “Highlight/write in book” Cuts materials
Working Together-Alternatives No e-reader??? No problem! Document Camera ●Supplement with smart board technology ●Write ●Highlight
Working Together-BYOD Personal e-reader, cellphone ●NOT school issued Privacy ●Progress tracking, grades, etc. ●Students and teachers see everything together Disadvantage ●Easily sidetracked
Adapting and Transforming Think of your experiences as a practitioner using tech tools. Lets share some examples of success stories. How about some examples of obstacles?
Adapting and Transforming Levels of access and implementation vary between and within schools/classrooms. Using a process can help realize the pedagogical benefits of tech tools across various contexts
Adapting and Transforming 1. Identify a tech tool 2. Analyze the pedagogical benefits 3. Optimum use? 4. Reverse engineering and limited resources 5. Bring your own device (BYOD)?