Mrs. Fisher’s World Geography
Freshman Campus website Go ahead and add me
Required Highlighter Pencil/Pens Composition Notebook Glue Sticks Binder or folder Suggested Colored pencils Scissors Smart device
Syllabus signed Notebook and folder – REQUIRED EXTRA CREDIT 1 st and 2 nd : Glue Sticks 3 rd and 4 th : Pencils 5 th and 6 th : Tissue 8 th : Hand Sanitizer
Respect Present On Task
See district website Classroom grading procedures are posted Will model and give examples as we proceed this week 50% grades
BYOD – Bring your own device Policy states that you may BRING them, but you may not USE them until directed by the teacher First offense Hold til end of the day Continued offenses Send to the office Detention
Tuesdays/Thursdays after school What do you get detention for? Low behavior grade Sleeping in class Disrespect Cursing Bullying…NON-NEGOTIABLE Say anything disrespectful or mean to another student and you’re hanging with me.
6 for the whole semester Write your name on each slip You may not use them First/Last 20 minutes of each period During teacher instruction During group work You may use them ONLY during individual quiet work
On the back of your questionnaire…
1/5 of Americans cannot find the US on a map. Why do you think this is and how should we change it?
On whiteboard label all 7 continents North America South America Europe Asia Africa Australia Antarctica
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