BELLWORK -Please pick up a copy of the “Classroom Rules/ Policies” -Begin reading through it quietly and note places where you may have questions
Rules and Policies Students and the teacher will be respectful of one another. THIS IS KEY! Respect What does it mean? Respect yourself? Respect other students? Respect the teacher? Teacher to respect you?
S.L.A.N.T. Sit Up Listen Up Ask Questions Note Take Track the Speaker
Safety No running No horseplay No mishandling of equipment
Cheating and Plagiarism What is cheating and plagiarism? What isn’t cheating and plagiarism? Who gets punished? What does this have to do with respect?
Cellphones and Digital Devices I DO NOT TOLERATE CELLPHONES/DIGITAL DEVICES BEING OUT DURING CLASS Phone Jail rules The “Hotel Cali-Phone-ia” rules
Tardy Policy Each instance will be recorded You are allowed 2 unexcused tardies a semester After that you will lose ½% from your final grade per tardy Example: Susie was tardy 6 times unexcused 6 tardies – 2 free tardies = 4 tardies 4 tardies x ½% = 2% from her final grade If she had a 91%, her grade would be dropped to a 89% Bring a note or teacher’s signature
Absent Policy Planned absence Notify me BEFORE the day you will be absent Missed work will be arranged on a case-by-case basis. Most work, especially quizzes and tests, will be due before you leave. This includes work that is due on the day that you will leave. Unplanned absence Check in with me to discuss missed work and arrange for appropriate rescheduling
Late Work Policy Homework Penalized 15% off the maximum total points available Ex. Labs Penalized 10% off the maximum total points available Ex. NOTE: This also applies to work rescheduled due to absences Score you would have gotten90%80%70% 1 day late score (-15%)85%80%70% 2 day late score (-30%)70% 3 day late score (-45%)55% Score you would have gotten100%90%80% 1 day late score (-15%)90% 80% 2 day late score (-30%)80% 3 day late score (-45%)70%
Food/Drink Policy All food and drinks, expect bottled water must be put away. Exceptions can and will be made for medical or cultural circumstances, however these must be cleared with Mr. Duong and the office first.
Study Hall/ Free Study Time During these times you may work quietly on your own or with others Certain rules are relaxed Listen to music Chat Snack Lightly Move around the class Please keep the volume to a reasonable level This is a reward, not a right. I may revoke this reward at any time, at my discretion.
Mr. Duong website
Homework: Blog Make your blog your blog’s address to For your first blog post, in at least 2 paragraphs, Answer the first question and one of the other following questions: What do you think physics is?/ How would you describe physics? How is physics different from other sciences? Where do you think physics is applicable in your life? Due 8/12