Biology A Welcome!
Attendance/Tardies Attendance at the start of class Be inside the room before passing time ends – even 1 second after that time and you are tardy.
Behavior Lecture – Raise your hand if you have a question or would like me to go back over something. – No talking with classmates
Behavior Activities You may talk with your classmates as you work, but please stay on subject and don’t yell!
Cell Phones/Electronic Devices Never take out Cell Phones/Electronic Devices Might as well just leave it in your bag/locker. If I see it, it’s mine for the period. If you don’t like that, we can always go the hard way.
What happens if a student does decide to disrupt class?
Discipline – You Choose! Easy Way – Accept the warning and change your behavior. Hard Way – Make me take your cell phone/send you to the office/call security. This isn’t complicated.
Discipline For Cell Phones 1.Warning 2.Then given to me for the AP and your parents 2a. If not then we have to call security, etc. Lot of hassle and work. For language 1.Warning 2.Sent to office with referral second.
Homework Homework will be due the next day unless I say otherwise. Your homework will be stamped during the question of the day at the beginning of class. Keep it in your binder.
Binders First homework assignment (worth 10 pts) – Bring a 3 ring binder and lined paper. I have three hole punchers if you need to punch that paper tomorrow. – These binders will be extremely important for your grade. Don’t lose them. Keep all activities/homework/notes in this binder. – If you think you might lose it, leave it here with me.
Binders Binder quizzes will be every week and will be open binder. So if your binders are neat, the quizzes should be easy points.
Grading 80% Quizzes/Tests 20% Assignments/Homework
Daily Routine Bring your binder, paper, and textbook. Thinking question – answer it on one of the blank pieces of paper in the box at the front of the class. These will be graded based on how complete and thoughtful your answers are. Lecture/Activity/Test Review/Closing
Pencil/Pen Bring your own, or buy one from me for 25 cents.
Biology B!
Animal Systems
Textbook Checkout Please fill out the slips with your student ID and the number underneath your barcode. Put your slip in the box on Mr. H’s desk Homework: Bring a 3 ring binder! 10 points.