Strategies for New Advisers Affiliate your chapter online at Choose a class to start with and begin with the Introduction to FCCLA Lesson Plan Use publications, posters, and pictures to make FCCLA visible in the classroom Select one national program to learn about and participate in Recognize FCCLA-related accomplishments
Organizing the Local Chapter FCCLA chapters are designed to operate within FACS education classes, or as determined by the state department of education, at the middle and/or high school level. Students are eligible for membership any time after they have started a FACS course. Integrated or co-curricular FCCLA programs offer chapter activities and FCCLA resources as an integral part of the FACS classroom. Extra-curricular chapter activities take place primarily outside the classroom.
Chapter Structure
Roles and Responsibilities MembersAdvisers Chapter Expectations Set and enforce expectationsMediate enforcement Handle disciplinary action Ensure expectations are in alignment with chapter, state, and national bylaws Project Planning Identify concerns and project ideas Select program of work Initiate and implement projects using the Planning Process Encourage participation Introduce Planning Process Coach progress Provide guidance LeadershipAssume leadership rolesEncourage and support leaders Model expected behavior Provide access to training Guide coordination of member participation
Roles and Responsibilities MembersAdvisers Project Initiation Carry out plans Utilize resources Suggest and provide access Redirect inappropriate or unsuccessful efforts Public Relations Publicize resultsSuggest resources Assist in meeting deadlines Recognize supporters and participants EvaluationEvaluate experiences and participation throughout projects Ask questions that guide growth and development Encourage input and participation Introduce effective strategies
Sample Action Plan Introduce FCCLA, recruit, form chapter, select officers Launch membership drive Affiliate Use the Planning Process to choose program focus Establish project committees Research and report program information to chapter members Coordinate plans for project activities Publicize chapter projects/activities Organize and hold project work sessions Complete project activities Publicize results Evaluate project Recognize leaders, participants, and supporters Celebrate accomplishments
Where to Start Advisers Review program materials and publications Introduce FCCLA in the classroom Discuss starting a chapter with stakeholders Invite state officers as guest speakers Create a resource center Attend a district/regional or state meeting Members Create a membership campaign Review program materials Develop chapter and meeting management structures Collect membership dues Plan and execute projects using Planning Process Attend a district/regional or state meeting