Primary Care Trusts Hellen Daley Health and Social Care Co-ordinator, ODPM
Role of health co-ordinators Sign up to shadow strategy –170 PCT’s North –102 PCT’s South –Client re-assess engagement Conferences Strategic Health Authorities Client groups
Role of NHS Co-ordinators Two co-ordinators - north/south Nationally with the Department of Health on policy Nationally and regionally with policy implementation bodies Strategic Health Authorities Attending Regional Lead Officer Meetings Information pack Kweb section for Health and Social Services Health Pilots and Positive Practice sites.
What helps build the links £97,301,905 GOWM region Coventry & Warks SHA. £38,120,856 Birmingham & Black Co. £47,287,403 Staffordshire SHA £11,893,646
NHS Plan Reducing waiting times and delays throughout the system Reduce delayed discharge and expand capacity in older people’s services Promoting independence in old age Improved whole systems working including improved partnership working Increased Choice
Supporting People 1. A key policy aim of Supporting People is to promote greater independence for its clients and to improve their quality of life. The Supporting People programme is designed to work alongside, not replace, services provided by housing management, the probation service, social services care and the health service.
Priorities and Planning Framework Improved access to care More choice Improving services and outcomes in: mental health Older people Reducing health inequalities Contributing to the cross -government drive to reduce drug misuse. Targets attached. Building capacity.
Benefits of SP. 1. It is expected that the benefits of Supporting People services in terms of improved client outcomes and related cost savings will vary according to client group but potential examples include: fewer hospital admissions; shorter hospital stays; reduced need for residential care and consequent costs savings to health services; fewer failed tenancies and/or repeat homelessness applications, and related costs savings to local housing authorities; reduction in reconviction rates for offenders leaving prison and those subject to probation service supervision in the community; an increase in successful outcomes for drug and alcohol treatment services
Local Delivery Plans Identifying national and local priorities. Identifying key targets for delivery. Agreeing capacity. SHAs will bring together PCT plans into LDP monthly/quarterly/annual milestones “live” document
Older Peoples NSF Key group - 40% of NHS budget spent on over 65s 1998/99. Two thirds in general and acute beds over 65 NSF standard 2 - person centred care - calls for independence, choice and integrated commissioning and delivery NSF standard 3 - prevent unnecessary acute admissions. Support timely discharge NSF standards 5 &6 strokes and falls - minimise loss of independence, manage consequences, access suitable accommodation
Older People - Priorities and Planning Framework PSA Objective: ‘Improve the quality of life and independence of older people so that they can live at home wherever possible,by increasing by March 2006 the number of those supported intensively to live at home to 30% of the total being supported by social services at home or in residential care.’ Delayed transfers of care reduce to a minimal level by 2006.
Birmingham…. Policy in practice Survey of local and national strategies and plans for all partners Identified key targets Ensured S.P. strategy is formally part of the Community Plan Agreed COLLECTIVELY how the partnership would meet targets, in view of supply and needs data.
Birmingham… Delivery Older People Fundamental review of services for older people – revision of council strategy for sheltered & extra care housin. A jointly agreed model of extra care sheltered housing to ensure a valid alternative to care home admission Joint commissioning strategy for extra care sheltered housing under development
Leicestershire…. Innovation 1.1 Proposed developments for innovative services Leicestershire Supporting People is keen to see the development of innovative services that will better address the needs of the county. At the present time the following areas have been identified: Floating support in rural areas: the development of models of floating support that are suitable for use in sparsely populated rural areas Community based very sheltered (extra care) housing: models for very sheltered housing that use it as a community facility as well as a supported housing scheme Partnership approaches: e.g. district authorities working together to jointly deliver support to Teenage Parents
Mental Health NSF Care pathways - delayed discharge Balance of hospital,staffed and supported - ‘A shortage of provision at any point will result in pressures in other areas’ Supports early contact with specialist service - reducing emergency admissions Supports - Assertive Outreach,Crisis Resolution, Home Treatment, Early Intervention,Primary Care workers. Building independence and skills Helps manage condition, motivates and encourages to use other support
Wolverhampton Mental Health BME Mental Health Strategy provided by Health Partners Identified a need for short term respite accommodation & additional floating support. DELIVERY units of supported accommodation & single referral system 9 units for asian women with mental health needs + planning for a further 70 units of accommodation
Herefordshire…. delivery Supported Housing and Recovery Project (SHARP). Housing Services Division has enabled this project to come on-line by making a three-bedroom property available to SHARP on a rent-free basis. This property is being used to provide a safe and stable environment for people with enduring mental illness. People making use of the project will be central in determining their needs, setting their recovery goals and ensuring that they move forward at their own pace. The Recovery model of support for mental health service users is at the forefront of user led services, and should be the working model for further supported tenancies in Herefordshire, ultimately focusing on the user’s own choice of home across all tenures, rather than a transitional shared home.
Substance Misuse Targets to reduce drug related deaths and increase numbers in treatment Role in helping manage addiction, support and encourage PSA/Priorities and Planning Framework : Increase the participation of problem drug users in drug treatment by 55% by 2004 and by 100% by 2008, and increase year on year the proportion of users successfully sustaining or completing treatment programmes.
Herefordshire.. Policy in Practice Supporting People… …opportunity to develop services for those vulnerable groups traditionally outside of the remit of social care services….. It was anopportunity look at preventative services in order to avoid greater costs …. In the future
Herefordshire…. A process to ensure a unified response from Social Care, Housing and health to drug related, housing issues. ..a recognition that housing and housing support is key to stabilising and keeping people off drugs. Project proposal for a supported housing drug project – CDRP, DAT, Health, CAD, Council and Probation
What Helps Build the Links Existing good partnership and integrated working between Health and Social Services Understanding of different organisational culture Joint/lead commissioning Moving managers across agencies Focus on whole systems Preventative agendas Supporting People linked into health strategic groups e.g, NSF LITs Local work on care pathways Use the data base provided to encourage discussion with your SHA. The picture can look very different from a regional perspective
What helps build the links £97,301,905 GOWM region Coventry & Warks SHA. £38,120,856 Birmingham & Black Co. £47,287,403 Staffordshire SHA £11,893,646
Benefits for PCTs of SP Co-ordination of services - avoiding gaps and duplication Strategic overview - linking and integrating policies Promoting independence and choice Care pathways - gaps in service impact on whole system - creates delays Reducing delayed discharge from hospital Vital role alongside other support - helping its effectiveness Alternatively 40% of the previous
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