©2014 Leadership Council Presentation 1 January 2015 Update
Collaboration Goals 5 shared goals with a Health Equity perspective 2
Identify and Invest in Promising Approaches ACT-commissioned economic model for in-person caregiver intervention was selected by the Neurology Today Editorial Board as one of the most influential studies of Identify/Invest
Health Equity Focus Guiding principles, practices, and call to action for all ACT participants Embed equity lens in ACT provider tools Federal grant to MBA focusing on provider cultural competence in dementia care 4
Increase Detection and Improve Care Hosting peer driven Health Leadership Summit on February 26th Focus on adoption of optimal dementia practices Audience—change leaders in primary acute and post acute care 5
Provider Capability Trainings 6 ACT trainings (including slide deck, videos and speaker’s panel) to foster provider competency Supported by HRSA funds pass through from MAGEC
Infusing the Caregiver Lens Review of provider tools for caregiver focus Inclusion of caregiver perspective in health summit Care coordination video 7
Dementia Curriculum 8 National uniform dementia curriculum in development ACT curriculum is serving as foundation Traditional materials and web- interactive learning program Provider tools built into curriculum Health Equity lens built into curriculum
Communities 33 communities working to become dementia friendly Seven are in Phase 4 Learning Collaboratives 9
Communities ACTing on Alzheimer’s 33 Action Communities Technical Assistance Area Agencies on Aging Alzheimer’s Association 10
National Replication of Model National portal for dementia-friendly communities public- private discussion o Centralized and maintained at national level o Technical assistance and implementation at state and local level 11
Awareness Supporting communities with communications package Opportunity to leverage social media influence of Leadership Council 12
Mayo Clinic 554,000 Fans Fairview Medical Group 23,888 Fans Health Partners 11,394 Fans Blue Cross Blue Shield 22,300 Fans AARP 8,426 Fans 135 UCARE 1,039 Fans Wilder 1,273 Fans Essentia 3,389 Fans Alina Health 15,500 Fans Alzheimer’s Assn. 4,276 Fans Leading Age 1,381 Fans Park Nicollet Health 29,850 Fans
Post-2015 ACT Steering Team revised earlier plan based on Leadership Council guidance 18
Leadership Council Discussion Can we sustain momentum in this effort from a Leadership perspective? Do we have collective capacity to carry out the plan? – Continued oversight/strategy/advice – Continued leadership group progress – Continued funding – Continued human resources 19
Next Meeting May 21, 2015 LOCATION: Minneapolis Latino Action Collaborative--Centro Cultural Chicano, 1915 Chicago Avenue, Minneapolis, MN