Who’s Partner? Stephanie Scheffler University of St. Thomas MBC - Final Project May 15, 2008
Dr. Anderegg’s Problem “You referred a patient to an outside physician for this? When we have one that can handle it?” Medical Director for Group Health, 1964 “Why?”
Today’s Problem Financial balance Addition of new specialties
My Research Question Can HealthPartners doctors in primary care and specialties partner more in caring for patients?
What We Needed To Know What decision-making factors were important to doctors when sending patients for specialty care? What could we do to help increase the likelihood of the doctors referring internally? How did they want to receive information about specialty updates and changes?
Methodology Electronic survey: 149 adult primary care doctors Clinic locations near Regions Hospital 20 questions 86 returned surveys (58%)
How long have you worked for HealthPartners (Group Health or Ramsey Clinic)?
To what extent are the following factors important when recommending a patient for specialty care? Not at allTo a limited or some extent To a considerable or great extent Type of illness or injury 0%3%97% Availability of consultation 1%19%80% Medical skill of doctor3%20%77% Previous positive experience with consulting doctor 0%27%73%
To what extent are the following factors important when recommending a patient for specialty care? Not at allTo a limited or some extent To a considerable or great extent Patient preference0%33%67% Being apart of an integrated medical group 2%33%65% Location of specialty doctor 1%51%48%
What tools would increase your likelihood to refer to a HealthPartners specialist? Someone calling and coordinating care for the patient 78% Ease of patient getting an appointment66% Patient scheduling appointment before leaving the clinic 60% Other44%
How do you want to receive information about updates/changes to HealthPartners Specialties?
Answer To The Research Question Can HealthPartners doctors in primary care and specialties partner more in caring for patients? Yes
Key Findings Several opportunities for improved partnerships Creating appointment availability Communicating medical skill of our specialty doctors Creating positive experiences Sharing the benefits of an integrated medical group Coordinating care for the patients An easy on-line way to inform doctors of changes to specialties is needed
Recommendations Work with each specialty to improve same day/next day appointment availability. Work with each specialty to create positive experiences for the patient and the referring provider. Work with marketing to create and put updates about specialties on-line.
HealthPartners primary and specialty doctors can be better partners. Questions?