The Problem of the Salvation Army Prov. 14:21. The Truth Behind It They are a religious group – 2 Pet. 2:1-3 They are a religious group – 2 Pet. 2:1-3.


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Presentation transcript:

The Problem of the Salvation Army Prov. 14:21

The Truth Behind It They are a religious group – 2 Pet. 2:1-3 They are a religious group – 2 Pet. 2:1-3 In their NY State charter, they said: In their NY State charter, they said: The Salvation Army organization is “designed to operate as a religious and charitable corporation whose purpose is to lead men and women into a proper relationship with God” The Salvation Army organization is “designed to operate as a religious and charitable corporation whose purpose is to lead men and women into a proper relationship with God”

They Are Not Christ’s Church The Salvation Army was started by William Booth in 1865 The Salvation Army was started by William Booth in 1865 They have an international headquarters in London, headed by a General and Chief of Staff, with four regional headquarters here in the U.S. They have an international headquarters in London, headed by a General and Chief of Staff, with four regional headquarters here in the U.S. They have their own creeds taught – The Salvation Army Handbook They have their own creeds taught – The Salvation Army Handbook The Church was established on the Day of Pentecost, 33 A.D. – Acts 2:47 The Church was established on the Day of Pentecost, 33 A.D. – Acts 2:47 The Church has no earthly headquarters, and the only head is Christ – Eph. 1: The Church has no earthly headquarters, and the only head is Christ – Eph. 1: God’s Word is all-sufficient for us – 1 Cor. 4:6 God’s Word is all-sufficient for us – 1 Cor. 4:6

They Are Not Christ’s Church They teach that we are born sinful They teach that we are born sinful The Lords Supper is not observed or offered The Lords Supper is not observed or offered Regarding salvation, they teach that a “personal illumination” of the Holy Spirit is needed and that baptism is not necessary Regarding salvation, they teach that a “personal illumination” of the Holy Spirit is needed and that baptism is not necessary According to the nature of sin, this cannot be – James 1:13-15 According to the nature of sin, this cannot be – James 1:13-15 We are commanded to keep it as a remembrance – Luke 22:17-20 We are commanded to keep it as a remembrance – Luke 22:17-20 The Scriptures tell us differently – Rom. 1:16, that baptism is commanded – Mark 16:16 The Scriptures tell us differently – Rom. 1:16, that baptism is commanded – Mark 16:16

Conclusion We cannot be fooled by charitable deeds into thinking something is harmless. Regard them as you would any false religion – 2 John Generosity is a great thing, but it’s not worth our souls!