Introduction to the ECVET Project - VET Credit Conversion System - - VET Credit Conversion System - Presented by: Louisa Pace Kiomall
Contents 1. What is the ECVET project VET Credit Conversion System all about? 2. Why, when, and how was the ECVET created? 3. The main objectives of the ECVET system 4. The main features and the necessary conditions to affectively apply ECVET 5. How will Malta implement ECVET? 1
1. What is the ECVET project ‘VET Credit Conversion System’ all about? Conversion System’ all about? It is a Maltese Project co-funded by the EU and falls under the Leonardo da Vinci project for Lifelong Learning of the European Commission. It is a sub-project of a wider European Union level project called ECVET European Credit System for Vocational Education and Training 2
1. What is the ECVET project ‘VET Credit Conversion System’ all about?...cont Conversion System’ all about?...cont It is about creating a common (European) credit system for Vocational education and training (VET) ECTS ECVET Academic Higher education Vocational Education Academic Higher education Vocational Education 3 (Bologna Process) (Copenhagen Process) 3
1. What is the ECVET project ‘VET Credit Conversion System’ all about?...cont Conversion System’ all about?...cont Hence, it is about creating a system where we could develop vocational qualifications which are transparent, comparable, and transferable in order to improve the flexibility of learning pathways and mobility both locally and abroad. 4
1. What is the ECVET project ‘VET Credit Conversion System’ all about?...cont In fact, the ECVET methodological framework is all about : describing qualifications in terms of units of learning outcomes with associated points, a transfer and accumulation process, and complementary documents such as student learning agreements, and the issuing of personal transcripts. 5
2. Why, When, and How was the ECVET created? The European Credit System for Vocational Education and Training (ECVET) is a new European Tool created for promoting, facilitating, and enhancing the provision of flexible learning pathways, student mobility across Europe, and after all it is a tool for encouraging life long learning. 6
2. Why, When, and How was the ECVET created?... cont Through the Copenhagen Process the MS asked the Commission to develop a proposal for a European credit system in VET. In turn, the Commission conveyed experts who designed the ECVET technical specifications. 7
2. Why, When, and How was the ECVET created?... cont The ECVET has then been adopted by the European Parliament and the Council on June 18 th 2009 and provided the ECVET Recommendation document which sets out the common principles and guidelines for the proper implementation of ECVET. 8
3. The main objectives and benefits of the ECVET system To support both student and ultimately employee mobility across Europe - through the recognition of the units of LO s that add up to a full qualification To facilitate Life long learning - through the flexibility of programmes and pathways to achieve qualifications To encourage attractiveness of VET 9
3. The main objectives and benefits of the ECVET system...cont To ensure Quality in the provision of VET qualifications To facilitate permeability between vocational and academic higher education programmes OBJECTIVES TARGETING: Student Mobility Lifelong Learning Lifelong Learning Attractiveness to VET More Quality in VET More Quality in VETPermeability
4. The main features and the necessary conditions to affectively apply ECVET Learning Outcomes Units ECVET Points Credit Transfer and Accumulation ECVET and non-formal and informal learning Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) Learning Agreement 11 Personal Transcript 11 1
Learning Outcomes (LO s) To implement ECVET it is necessary that qualifications are described using units of learning outcomes
Learning Outcomes (LO s) LOs are statements of what a learner knows, understands, and is able to do at the end of a learning process and which are defined in terms of knowledge, skills and competences set according to the categories of the level descriptors of the EQF
Learning Outcomes (LO s) Therefore, for each level descriptor (hence from level 1-8 of the MQF), LOs are based on the knowledge, skills, and competences expected on that level - which are fragmented as follows: Knowledge Knowledge and Understanding Knowledge Knowledge and Understanding Applying Knowledge and Understanding Applying Knowledge and Understanding Skills Communication Skills Skills Communication Skills Judgmental Skills Judgmental Skills Learning Skills Learning Skills Competences Autonomy and Responsibility Competences Autonomy and Responsibility 14 14
Learning Outcomes (LO s) LOs in Malta are also based on the Bloom’s Taxonomy classification of learning objectives using: classification of learning objectives using: - Concise statements - Concise statements - Clear, simple wording - Clear, simple wording - Unambiguous language - Unambiguous language - Future tense - Future tense - Action verbs suggesting overt behavior - Action verbs suggesting overt behavior - One verb for each outcome - One verb for each outcome - Appropriate verbs that reflect both the level and the strand - Appropriate verbs that reflect both the level and the strand 15
Units A Unit is a component of a qualification, consisting of a coherent set of knowledge, skills, and competence that can be assessed, validated, and recognised. Units enable progressive achievement of qualifications through transfer and accumulation of learning outcomes. They are subject to assessment and validation which verify and record that the learner has achieved the LO s expected. 16
Units Units should be described in legible & understandable terms by referring to the knowledge, skills, and competences contained in them. Unit specifications should include the generic title of the unit. This means that the title of the study units should be meaningful from the point of view of the industry
ECVET Points Provide additional information about units and qualifications in a numerical form. Numerical representation of the overall weight of LO s in a qualification and of the relative weight of units in relation to the qualification. In Malta, 1 ECVET Point = 25 hours of Total Learning 18
Credit Transfer and Accumulation Credit refers to the fact that the learner has achieved the expected LO s, which have been assessed and which can be accumulated towards achieving a full qualification. Credit is not to be confused with ECVET Points
ECVET and non-formal and informal learning LO s achieved in informal and non-formal learning contexts should also be given credit for through the ECVET system. This makes it easier for the competent institution to identify what learners have already achieved in comparison to what is required in view of a qualification. 20
Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) Credit transfer is supported by mutual trust between the competent institutions involved. – this is done through MoU A MoU is an agreement between competent institutions which sets the framework for credit transfer. It formalises the ECVET partnership by stating the mutual acceptance of the status and procedures of competent institutions involved. It also establishes the partnership’s procedures for cooperation. By setting up a MoU, competent institutions should acknowledge their partners’ approaches to designing units, assessment, validation, and recognition as well as quality assurance. 21
Learning Agreement A Learning Agreement is an individualised document which sets out the conditions for a specific mobility period. It specifies, for a particular learner, which learning outcomes and units should be achieved together with the associated ECVET points. The learning agreement also lays down that, if the learner achieves the expected learning outcomes and these are positively assessed by the “hosting” institution, the “home” institution will validate and recognise them as part of the requirements for a qualification. Therefore, the learning agreement constitutes a commitment to the learner that his/her achievement, if in line with the expectations, will be recognised upon return
Personal Transcript A Personal Transcript is a document that belongs to the learner. While the learning agreement describes what the learner is expected to achieve, the personal transcript documents what s/he has achieved. It is a record of learning achievements that contains information on learner’s assessed learning outcomes, units, and ECVET points awarded. It also specifies the identity of the learner and the competent institution/s that assessed, validated and recognised the learner’s credit
4. How will Malta implement ECVET? Through the national project – VET Credit Conversion System It is a pilot project to test the ECVET implementation in Malta 8 partners are involved (3 foreign, 5 local)
4. How will Malta implement ECVET?... cont MQC is the coordinating partner 30 courses are selected from 4 local VET providers Agribusiness, Targeting 7 fields of studies : Agribusiness, Art and Design, Mechanical Engineering, Tourism, Community Services, Business and Commerce, and ICT and Computing Art and Design, Mechanical Engineering, Tourism, Community Services, Business and Commerce, and ICT and Computing 26 26
4. How will Malta implement ECVET?... cont Malta is to implement this initiative through developing and pilot-testing a conversion process for the 30 selected courses. changing the 30 courses from their traditional system to one which uses ECVET. 27 Finally, a Manual needs to be developed which should serve as a guiding document at a national level to help any VET institution adhere to the ECVET system
For further information : 28 28
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