IP education and training course in Korea Using IP Panorama Baek, Jae-hong, Deputy director of KIPO
2/23 I. Contents I.Framework for the IP education program II.Introduction of IPAcademy in English III.Target group IV.Management of the course V.Business model VI.Experience in 2007 VII.Plan in 2008
3/23 I. Framework for the IP education program
4/23 II. Introduction of IPAcademy in English Website:
5/23 Course II. Introduction of IPAcademy in English
6/23 IP PanoramaIP Xpedite Quick View II. Introduction of IPAcademy in English
7/23 II. Introduction of IPAcademy in English Q&A Customer center
8/23 III. Target group LawyersBusinessmen UniversityScientist Target
9/23 Studying and Lecturing (Online and Offline) Request for opening the course and Preparation of the course IV. Management of the course Overview of process for opening the course Evaluation Rewarding
10/23 Request for opening the course by colleges or corporations Consulting to build up the customized course curriculum Period, Target group, Type of study (online or/and Offline), and Lecturers and/or tutors Making the exclusive webpage for the customer Sending the lecturer (IP expert) for the online study and offline lecture Request for opening the course and Preparation of the course IV. Management of the course
11/23 Signing up for the lecture by students or employees Applying for the course Studying - Online IV. Management of the course
12/23 Studying the course During the online study, the tutor and lecturer (IP expert) provide the administrative and educational service for the students. The progress of the study will be tracking by the Learning Management System. IV. Management of the course
13/23 The offline lecture is delivered by the IP expert to the students in the case of the customer wants to have it. According to the type of managing the course, the number of conducing offline lecture can be changed. Lecturing - Offline Evaluation Online multi-choice Examination through computerized evaluation system Term paper evaluation, Team project… IV. Management of the course
14/23 Certificate and credit (in case of University) Opportunity to participate in WIPO IP Business School in Geneva Rewarding IV. Management of the course
15/23 V. Our Business model Licensing Between copyright owners (KIPO or WIPO) and Licensee Service on our website Free view through Quick view Course for a group Distribution of CD ROM Promotional CD and Self Study CD Providing an optional online exam
16/23 VI. Our Experience in Course title : IP for Business Course - # of students : 67 students (undergraduate: 25 + graduate: 42) - Type: Online (Modules 1-10 of IP Panorama) + Offline Lecture in English - Evaluation: Mid term online exam + Final term paper (presentation) - Course title : Patent Strategies of biotechnology - # of students : 102 students (undergraduate: 52 + graduate: 50) - Type: Online (Modules 2,3,6,7,9 of IP Panorama) + Offline Lecture in Korean - Evaluation: Mid term online exam + Final term paper (drafting claims) Division of International Studies in Korea University Biotechnology department of a graduate school in Yonsei University
17/ Probationary Patent attorney Korean Corporations and Professors - Course title : IP Training Course for IP lawyers - # of participants : 65 persons of Type: Online (Modules 2-3 of IP Panorama) - Evaluation: Online Exam - Title: Pre-class for US IP leadership course - # of participants : 11 persons - Type: Online (Modules 2-10 of IP Panorama) VI. Our Experience in 2007
18/23 VII. Our plan in 2008 University - Course Title: Understanding the digital cultural content industry - # of students : about 100 undergraduate students expected - Type: Online (Modules 1-10 of IP Panorama) + Offline Lecture in Korean (1 time) - Evaluation: Final online exam Cultural Studies in Sookmyung Womens University - Course Title: Understanding the digital cultural content industry - # of students : about 50 graduate students expected - Type: Online (Modules 1-10 of IP Panorama) + Offline Lecture in Korean (1 time) - Evaluation: Final online exam Asian Pacific Womens Information Network Center of Sookmyung Womens University
19/23 University - Course Title: IP for Business - # of students : about 100 students expected (undergraduate and graduate students) - Type: Online (Modules 1-10 of IP Panorama) + Offline Lecture in English - Evaluation: Mid term team project + Final online exam Division of International Studies in Korea University - Course Title: Intellectual Property - # of students : about 80 undergraduate students expected - Type: Online (Modules 1-10 of IP Panorama) + Offline Lecture in Korean - Evaluation: Mid term exam + Final online exam Division of Information Management Engineering in Korea University VII. Our plan in 2008
20/ Probationary Patent attorney - Title: Global IP Training Course for IP attorney - # of participants : about 200 IP attorneys - Type: Online (Modules 2-3 of IP Panorama) - Evaluation: online Exam Law Firm - KIPO and KIPA promote IP Panorama course for Korea IP law firms. * Face-to-Face Meeting * Distributing promotional materials VII. Our plan in 2008
21/23 Entering the Licensing Agreement concerning the Use of IP Panorama content (07.12~) - Course Title : IP Panorama Course (Managed by POSCO) - # of participants : 17,000 employees of POSCO - Type: Online (Modules 1-10 of IP Panorama) Enterprise Making a proposal for the licensing agreement - Having a meeting on Jan 29, 2008 * Introduction of IP Panorama * Proposal - Samsung is positively considering our proposal. VII. Our plan in 2008
22/23 Weekon/off-linethemecontentslecturer 1stOff-line IP for business in knowledge- driven society Orientation - Introduction of intellectual property (IP) for business - Importance of IP management 2nd On-line (module1,2,3) - Invention and patent (A story about Fox Telecom's folder mobile phone) - Trademarks and Industrial Designs (A story of Seona and its MP3 player) self-study 3rdOff-line Development of technology and patent - The basic of patents (International and domestic views) - What is patent, how to protect patent and how to utilize patent for your business 4thOff-line Trademarks and industrial designs - The basics of trademarks and industrial designs (International and domestic views) -The role and importance of trademarks and industrial designs for creating and strengthening the brand of your business. 5th On-line (module4,5) -Trade secrets (A story about the leak of trade secrets of Fox Telecom) - Copyright and related right (A story about Seonas copyright infringement) self-study 6thOff-lineTrade secrets and copyright - How to protect confidential information of company - The basic concepts of copyright and related rights 7thMidtermOnline multiple-choice test (in English) 8thOn-line (module6)- Patent Information (A story about the development of new digital camera in Tolmnex)self-study 9thOff-linePatent Information - The concept, role and importance of patent information - Practice in patent information search (Keyword searching) 10thOn-line(module7)- Technology licensing in a strategic partnership (A story about technology licensing between Tolmnex and Picmara)self-study 11thOff-line Strategic Technology Licensing - The concept, strategies and main considerations of licensing - The case study on technology licensing 12thon-line (module9)- IP and international trade (A story about Knoxx Electronics)self-study 13thoff-line Strategic IP management in the overseas market - The protection and management of IP in the export market - IP in international outsourcing 14th on-line (module 8, 10) - IP in the digital economy (A story about online market of Saomink) - IP audit (A story about IP audit of Knoxx Electronics) self-study 15thFinal examTeam Project (Make presentation about IP management of overseas and domestic company) [Example] Curriculum
23/23 THANK YOU Baek, Jae-hong