Revision Policy and Procedure of the reformed IPC Limitations and Perspectives Antonios Farassopoulos - WIPO February 2008
2 Main features introduced by the Reform Separation of the IPC into Core and Advanced levels Obligation of reclassification of PCT minimum Documentation before entry into force of revised scheme influencing the IPC Revision policy and procedure:
February Core and Advanced levels Advanced level Complete IPC, including the Core level Search of International Patent collections, e.g. PCT Minimum Documentation Classification of documentation in medium and large patent offices Revised frequently (up to four times a year)
February Core and Advanced levels Advanced level (continued) Reclassification compulsory for users of advanced level Published electronically Revision should not impact Core level – Exceptions File size and file growth criteria for subdivision of groups
February Core and Advanced levels Core Level Simplified IPC, i.e. main group + some one-dot and two-dot subgroups Totally ~ 1/4 of Advanced level Search and classification of national patent collections, mainly in small offices Dissemination of patent information and statistics Stable, revised every three years
February Core and Advanced levels Core Level (continued) Published on paper and electronically Revised if: New technologies not available Need for a new structure Large groups needing subdivision and AL groups do not exist File size and growth criteria higher than those of AL
February Core and Advanced levels Full compatibility limitations Need of adjustment of references in several places True compatibility only at each new Core level edition Between editions of the Core level, new Core level groups are in force in Advanced level
February Different Revision Procedures for the two levels Advanced level By a special subcommittee (ALS) with limited membership-committed to reclassify PCT Min Discussion - decisions mainly by electronic means. Physical meetings rather formal Fed by Harmony projects
February Different Revision Procedures for the two levels Core level By a Working Group (IPC/WG) with wide membership (IPC Union) Discussion – electronic means and physical meeting Decisions mainly during meetings Mainly maintenance of the IPC Definitions Clarification of titles or structure Removal of references No need for intellectual reclassification
February Conflicts and Complications Between the two bodies and relevant revision projects New subdivisions of CL decided by IPC/WG need also approval by all ALS members Obligation for reclassification Creation of new subclasses or main groups by ALS need approval by IPC/WG Important projects split in two: CL entries >> IPC/WG AL entries >> ALS Initial procedure needed adjustments
February Conflicts and Complications Preparation of French version For AL initial draft by IB For CL initial draft by French speaking office For mixed projects – both Reformed IPC Information System – RIPCIS Developed during reform Need for different references in CL groups according to CL-AL not initially foreseen Continuous need for adjustments to resolve conflicts between CL-AL projects in some areas
February Conflicts and Complications Commitment for reclassification Need for agreement of all ALS members before revision Lack of resources for reclassification in one office delays entry into force even when a project is completed Increase of divergence between IPC and local Classifications
February Conflicts and Complications Publication Absence of synchronization between CL-AL Complication of validity file structure Need to jump between versions/editions when switching between AL-CL - Problems with pointers Manual calculation of rollup when new subclasses/main groups are used in AL Difference in version indicators between AL-CL for the same group Inconsistencies in the presentation of new or deleted symbols from one version to the next Need every three months to prepare two publications -Early pub (without French) -Official pub (with French)
February Efficiency of Revision Creation of two levels and of ALS would permit a more rapid growth of IPC to meet ECLA-FI-USPC IPC6-IPC780 days of IPC/WG - 2 sessions per year - Amendment approved ~ New places in IPC 2145 IPC7-IPC896 days of IPC/WG - 2 sessions per year - Amendment approved New places in IPC 1338 IPC8-IPC930 days of IPC/WG - 2 sessions per year - Amendment approved New places in IPC days of ALS - 2 sessions per year - Amendment approved New places in IPC 232 Days spent on Task Force meetings or TWG meetings not counted
February Use of the two levels for Classification Since January documents published worldwide available in MCD with IPC AL documents with Core level only documents by CL offices documents by AL offices (?) -1,700have a family member classified in AL
February Ideas for the Future Synchronize CL and AL, and reduce rate of publication of AL In view of amendments introduced Relative use between AL and CL Electronic publication only CL to become a subset of AL Further simplified ? Use one body for revision of the IPC Efficiency – wider participation
February Ideas for the Future Simplify structure of IPC master files Reclassification Wider participation Publication of revised scheme even if PCT min reclassification not completed (70% ?) New and old schemes available during completion of reclassification in the same edition with adequate warnings
February Ideas for the Future Strategic role of CE for future revision Set up strategic and medium term goals for revision of the IPC Set up clear criteria for the revision of the IPC identify areas of the IPC for revision and for maintenance