Confirmation Examination Review 01 The First Table of the Law
27.What is the First Commandment? A –You shall have no other gods.
28.How does the First Commandment teach us to love God? A –The First Commandment teaches us to fear, love and trust God above all things.
29.How do people turn away from God and not love Him as God? A –People turn away from God and do not love Him when they regard and worship any creature or thing as God, *either openly worship an idol or false god (Open Idolatry) *or secretly putting their love of someone or something above god in their heart (Hidden Idolatry).
30.What is the Second Commandment? A –You shall not misuse the name of the Lord your God.
31.How does the Second Commandment teach us to love God? A –We should fear and love God, calling upon His Name in every trouble, in prayer, in praising and thanking Him.
32.How do people turn away from God and not respect His Name? A –People turn away from God and do not respect His Name when they use it to curse, swear, or in satanic arts, and in lying and deceiving by His Name.
33.What is the Third Commandment? A –Remember the Sabbath Day by keeping it holy.
34.What does the word “Sabbath” mean? A –The word “Sabbath” means “rest”.
35.How does the Third Commandment teach us to love God? A –We should fear and love God, holding His Word as sacred and gladly hearing and learning it.
36.How do people turn away from God and not respect His Word. A –People turn away from God and do not respect His Word when they despise preaching and His Word.