Endocrine System
The endocrine system is composed of glands that release hormones into the bloodstream to control body functions such as growth, reproduction, and metabolism.
Where are the glands? Lets look at some glands found in your body!
Pituitary 1. The pituitary gland produces a growth hormone which controls growth and homeostasis. POINT to your pituitary gland!
Thyroid 2. The thyroid gland produces thyroxin to regulate metabolism. POINT to your thyroid gland!
Parathyroid 3. The parathyroid gland produces parathormone which controls calcium levels in the body. POINT to your parathyroid gland!
Pancreas 4. The pancreas produces insulin which controls sugar levels in the blood. Also produces digestive enzymes to help digest food. POINT to your pancreas!
Adrenals 5. The adrenal glands produce adrenaline in response to physical and emotional stress. Fight or Flight POINT to your adrenal glands!
Ovaries (in Females) Ovaries 6. The ovaries produce estrogen used in egg production and the development of female traits. Do males have ovaries?
Testes (in males) Testes 7. The testes produce testosterone used in sperm production and the development of male traits. What is testosterone?
Reproductive System Function: – The Reproductive System allows human to continue as a species
Females Each month the female releases an egg. If the egg is not fertilized then it is removed from the body. If this egg becomes fertilized then it will develop into a zygote. An implanted zygote is referred to as a pregnancy.
Males Males make sperm in an organ called the testes. Millions of sperm are made. Sperm fertilizes the eggs in females.