Learning Target: How Organ Systems Communicate Ch (pp. 874 – 875)
Main Idea: The body’s communication systems help maintain homeostasis I Can …Explain how the nervous and endocrine systems provide a means of communication for the entire body’s organ systems. I Will … Define and apply in context, relevant vocabulary terms; nervous system, endocrine system, stimulus, central nervous system (CNS), and peripheral nervous system (PNS). Describe the general components and functions of the nervous and endocrine system Compare/Contrast methods of communication between and among the nervous and endocrine systems. Connect and relate how the nervous and endocrine systems’ functions of communication help maintain homeostasis.
Homeostasis depends on the ability of different organ systems in the body to communicate with one another. To maintain homeostasis: Messages must be generated and delivered Sensors and Sensory Nerves Interpreted and evaluated Control Centers Brain and Spinal cord Instruction sent Communication Systems Motor Nerves Actions carried out Targets Organs, Tissues and cells Sensor Control Center Communication System Target Stimulus
Nervous System: Physically connected network of cells, tissues, and organs Controls thought, movement, and simple life processes Works very quickly and controls immediate responses e.g. Heart rate, respiration, pulling hand off hot stove Endocrine System: Collection of physically disconnected organs Controls growth, development, and responses to environment Works slowly and controls processes that occur over a long period of time e.g. Blood glucose level and fluid balances The nervous and endocrine systems differ in structure and method of communication including rate.
Why does the body need two different systems for effective communication Some communication needs to be very quick with instant results. WHY?
Some communication needs to be slow with gradual and long lasting results. WHY? Why does the body need two different systems for effective communication