T. Lev-Ami, R. Manevich, M. Sagiv TVLA: A System for Generating Abstract Interpreters A. Loginov, G. Ramalingam, E. Yahav T. Reps & R. Wilhelm
Object Oriented Programs Extensive use of the heap Dynamic allocation Recursive data structures Destructive reference updates x.f := y
Verification of OO Programs Verify properties about the heap No runtime errors –Null dereferences –Freed memory –Dangling pointers No memory leaks Partial correctness
A Common Approach to Pointer Analysis in Software Verification Break verification problem into two phases –Preprocessing phase – separate points-to analysis typically no distinction between objects allocated at same site –Verification phase – verification using points-to results May lose precision –May lose ability to perform strong updates –May produce false alarms Program Property Pointer Analysis Verification Analysis
Loss of Precision in Two-Phase Approach f = new InputStream(); f.read(); f.close(); Verify f is not read after it is closed Straightforward...
Loss of Precision in Two-Phase Approach while (?) { f = new InputStream(); f.read(); f.close(); } f1 f False alarm! “read may be erroneous” closed=1/2
The TVLA Approach Express concrete semantics using first order logic Abstract Interpretation using 3-valued Kleene’s logic 1.verification integrated with heap analysis heap analysis (merging criterion) can adapt to verification Program Property Front end First-Order Transition Sys Abstract Interpretation
while (?) { f = new InputStream(); f.read(); f.close(); } The TVLA Approach: An Example f closed f f f … Concrete States f closed f f Abstract States
Outline Expressing concrete semantics using logic (TVLA input) Canonincal abstraction Abstract interpretation using Canonincal abstraction (TVLA engine) Applications & ongoing Work
Traditional Heap Interpretation States = Two level stores –env: Var Values –fields: Loc Values –Values=Loc Atoms Example –env = [x 30, p 79] –next = [30 40, 40 50, 50 79, 79 90] –val = [30 1, 40 2, 50 3, 79 4, 90 5] x p
Predicate Logic Vocabulary –A finite set of predicate symbols P each with a fixed arity Logical Structures S provide meaning for predicates –A set of individuals (nodes) U –p S : (U S ) k {0, 1} FO TC over TC, express logical structure properties
Representing Stores as Logical Structures Locations Individuals Program variables Unary predicates Fields Binary predicates Example –U = {u1, u2, u3, u4, u5} –x = {u1}, p = {u3} –next = {,,, } u1u2u3u4u5 x n nn n p
Concrete Interpretation Rules (Lists) StatementSafety PreconditionPostcondition x =NULL1 v: x ’ (v) x=malloc() v 0 : active(v 0 ) v: x ’ (v) eq(v, v 0 ) v: active ’ (v) active(v) eq(v,v 0 ) x=y1 v:x ’ (v) y(v) x=y next v 0 : y(v 0 ) active(v 0 ) v:x ’ (v) next(v 0, v) x next=y v 0 : x(v 0 ) active(v 0 ) v 1,v 2 : next ’ (v 1, v 2 ) ( eq(v 1, v 0 ) next(v 1, v 2 )) (eq(v 1, v 0 ) y(v 2 ))
Invariants No memory leaks v: active(v) {x PVar} v 1 : x(v 1 ) next*(v 1, v) Acyclic list(x) v 1,v 2 : x(v 1 ) next*(v 1, v 2 ) next + (v 2, v 1 ) Reverse (x) v 1,v 2, v 3 : x(v1) next*(v 1, v 2 ) next(v 2, v 3 ) next ’ (v 3, v 2 )
1: True 0: False 1/2: Unknown A join semi-lattice: 0 1 = 1/2 Kleene 3-Valued Logic 1/2 Information order Logical order
Boolean Connectives [Kleene]
3-Valued Logical Structures A set of individuals (nodes) U Predicate meaning –p S : (U S ) k {0, 1, 1/2}
Canonical Abstraction Partition the individuals into equivalence classes based on the values of their unary predicates –Every individual is mapped into its equivalence class Collapse predicates via –p S (u ’ 1,..., u ’ k ) = {p B (u 1,..., u k ) | f(u 1 )=u ’ 1,..., f(u ’ k )=u ’ k ) } At most 2 A abstract individuals
Canonical Abstraction x = NULL; while (…) do { t = malloc(); t next=x; x = t } u1 x t u2 u3 u1 x t u2,3 n n n n u1 x t u2 u3 n n
x t n n u2 u1 u3 Canonical Abstraction x = NULL; while (…) do { t = malloc(); t next=x; x = t } u1 x t u2,3 n n n
Canonical Abstraction and Equality Summary nodes may represent more than one element (In)equality need not be preserved under abstraction Explicitly record equality Summary nodes are nodes with eq(u, u)=1/2
Canonical Abstraction and Equality x = NULL; while (…) do { t = malloc(); t next=x; x = t } u1 x t u2 u3 u1 x t u2,3 eq n n n n u2,3
Canonical Abstraction x = NULL; while (…) do { t = malloc(); t next=x; x = t } u1 x t u2 u3 n n u1 x t u2,3 n n
Heap Sharing predicate is(v)=0 u1u1 x t u2u2 unun … u1 x t u 2..n n n v:is(v) v 1,v 2 : next(v 1,v) next(v 2,v) eq(v 1, v 2 ) is(v)=0 n n n
Heap Sharing predicate is(v)=0 u1u1 x t u2u2 unun … is(v)=1is(v)=0 n n n n u1 x t u2 n is(v)=0is(v)=1is(v)=0 n u 3..n n n v:is(v) v 1,v 2 : next(v 1,v) next(v 2,v) eq(v 1, v 2 )
Best Conservative Interpretation (CC79) Abstraction Concretization Concrete Representation Collecting Interpretation st c Concrete Representation Abstract Representation Abstract Representation Abstract Interpretation st #
y x y x Evaluate update formulas y x y x inverse embedding y x y x Canonincal Canonincal abstraction x y “ Focus ” - Based Transformer (x = x n)
y x y x Evaluate update Formulas (Kleene) y x y x Canonincal y x y x Focus(x n) “Partial ” x y
Example: Abstract Interpretation t x n x t n x t n n x t t x n t t n t x t x t x empty x t n n x t n n n x t n t n x n x t n n return x x = t t =malloc(..); t next=x; x = NULL T F
Cleanness Analysis of Linked Lists (Nurit Dor, SAS 2000) Static analysis of C programs manipulating linked lists Defects checked References to freed memory Null dereferences Memory leaks Existing algorithms are inadequate Miss errors Report too many false alarms
Dereference of NULL pointers typedef struct element { int value; struct element *next; } Elements bool search(int value, Elements *c) { Elements *elem; for (elem = c; c != NULL; elem = elem->next;) if (elem->val == value) return TRUE; return FALSE
Dereference of NULL pointers typedef struct element { int value; struct element *next; } Elements bool search(int value, Elements *c) { Elements *elem; for (elem = c; c != NULL; elem = elem->next;) if (elem->val == value) return TRUE; return FALSE potential null dereference
Dereference of NULL pointers typedef struct element { int value; struct element *next; } Elements bool search(int value, Elements *c) { Elements *elem; for (elem = c; elem != NULL; elem = elem->next;) if (elem->val == value) return TRUE; return FALSE potential null dereference
Memory leakage Elements* reverse(Elements *c) { Elements *h,*g; h = NULL; while (c!= NULL) { g = c->next; h = c; c->next = h; c = g; } return h; typedef struct element { int value; struct element *next; } Elements
Memory leakage Elements* reverse(Elements *c) { Elements *h,*g; h = NULL; while (c!= NULL) { g = c->next; h = c; c->next = h; c = g; } return h; leakage of address pointed-by h typedef struct element { int value; struct element *next; } Elements
Memory leakage Elements* reverse(Elements *c) { Elements *h,*g; h = NULL; while (c!= NULL) { g = c->next; h = c; c->next = h; c = g; } return h; typedef struct element { int value; struct element *next; } Elements ✔ No memory leaks
Proving Correctness of Sorting Implementations (Lev-Ami, Reps, S, Wilhelm ISSTA 2000) Partial correctness The elements are sorted The list is a permutation of the original list Termination At every loop iterations the set of elements reachable from the head is decreased
Example: InsertSort List InsertSort(List x) { List r, pr, rn, l, pl; r = x; pr = NULL; while (r != NULL) { l = x; rn = r n; pl = NULL; while (l != r) { if (l data > r data) { pr n = rn; r n = l; if (pl = = NULL) x = r; else pl n = r; r = pr; break; } pl = l; l = l n; } pr = r; r = rn; } return x; } typedef struct list_cell { int data; struct list_cell *n; } *List; assert sorted[x]; assert permutation[x,x’] v:inOrder[dle, n](v) v1: next(v, v1) dle(v,v1)
Example: InsertSort Run Demo List InsertSort(List x) { if (x == NULL) return NULL pr = x; r = x->n; while (r != NULL) { pl = x; rn = r->n; l = x->n; while (l != r) { pr->n = rn ; r->n = l; pl->n = r; r = pr; break; } pl = l; l = l->n; } pr = r; r = rn; } typedef struct list_cell { int data; struct list_cell *n; } *List; 14
Example: Mark and Sweep void Sweep() { unexplored = Universe collected = while (unexplored ) { x = SelectAndRemove(unexplored) if (x marked) collected = collected {x} } assert(collected = = Universe – Reachset(root) ) } void Mark(Node root) { if (root != NULL) { pending = pending = pending {root} marked = while (pending ) { x = SelectAndRemove(pending) marked = marked {x} t = x left if (t NULL) if (t marked) pending = pending {t} t = x right if (t NULL) if (t marked) pending = pending {t} } assert(marked = = Reachset(root)) }
Challenges: Heap & Concurrency [Yahav POPL ’ 01] Concurrency with the heap is evil… Java threads are just heap allocated objects Data and control are strongly related Thread-scheduling info may require understanding of heap structure (e.g., scheduling queue) Heap analysis requires information about thread scheduling Thread t1 = new Thread(); Thread t2 = new Thread(); … t = t1; … t.start();
Configurations – Example at[l_C] rval[myLock] held_by at[l_1] rval[myLock] at[l_0] at[l_1] rval[myLock] blocked l_0: while (true) { l_1: synchronized(myLock) { l_C:// critical section l_2: } l_3: }
Concrete Configuration at[l_C] rval[myLock] held_by at[l_1] rval[myLock] at[l_0] at[l_1] rval[myLock] blocked
Abstract Configuration at[l_C] rval[myLock] held_by blocked at[l_1] rval[myLock] at[l_0]
Examples Verified ProgramProperty twoLock QNo interference No memory leaks Partial correctness Producer/consumerNo interference No memory leaks Apprentice Challenge Counter increasing Dining philosophers with resource ordering Absence of deadlock MutexMutual exclusion Web ServerNo interference
Compile-Time GC for Java (Ran Shaham, SAS ’ 03) The compiler can issue free when objects are no longer needed Analysis of Java/JavaCard programs Generic Java Bytecode Frontend Precise analysis but expensive (cost of procedures)
More Scalable Solution [Gilad Arnold] Combine backward and forward analysis Forward analysis determine the shape Backward analysis locates heap liveness Use
Lightweight Specification "correct usage" rules a client must follow "call open() before read()" Certification does the client program satisfy the lightweight specification? Verification of Safety Properties Component a library with cleanly encapsulated state Client a program that uses the library The Canvas Project (IBM Watson and Tel Aviv) (Component Annotation, Verification and Stuff)
E. Yahav School of Computer Science Tel-Aviv University Verifying Safety Properties using Separation and Heterogeneous Abstractions PLDI ’ 04 G. Ramalingam IBM T.J. Watson Research Center
Quick Overview: Fine Grained Heap Abstraction Heap H Precise but often too expensive
Separation & Heterogeneous Abstraction Fine-grained abstraction Coarse abstraction
Outline of Separation Decompose verification problem into a set of subproblems Adapt abstraction to each subproblem
Outline of Separation Decompose verification problem into a set of subproblems Analysis-user specifies a separation strategy Adapt abstraction to each subproblem Heterogeneous abstraction
Prototype Implementation Implemented over TVLA Correctness comes from the embedding theorem Applied to several example programs Up to 5000 lines of Java Used to verify Absence of concurrent modification exception (CME) JDBC API conformance IOStreams API conformance Improved performance In some cases improved precision
Ongoing Work Temporal properties [Yahav, ESOP’03] Assume guarantee reasoning [Yorsh, VMCAI’04, TACAS’04] Correctness of collection implementation [Livshits] Automatic refinement [Loginov, ESOP’03] Integrating numeric domains [Gopan, TACAS’04] Procedure summaries [Jeannet, SAS’04] Sclalablity [Manevich SAS’04, Lev-Ami] Heap modularity [Bauer & Rinetzky]
TVLA Design Mistakes The operational semantics is written in too low level language TVP can be a high level language “instrumentation” = “derived” “Consistency Rules” = “Integrity Rules” Focus = Partial Concretization TVLA 3VLA
Conclusion FO TC is expressive for defining semantics TVLA is a very useful research tool Try before you publish Easy to try new algorithms Sometimes faster than existing shape analyzers But has high interpretation overhead Currently improved