Progress towards a National Collaboratory Stu Loken Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory
The Context DOE DOE has initiated a program of Technology R&D and Testbeds that is intended to change the way the Department does collaborative experiments and computation.
The Components A Toolkit for Advanced Computational Testing and Simulation (ACTS) Collaboratory Technology Research and Development Collaboratory Pilot Projects Computational Grand Challenges
Collaboratory R&D Workplan developed in series of workshops Focus of developing new capabilities and enhancing existing tools Close interactions with Pilot projects and other users Plan for support as tools mature
Collaboratory R&D Projects Shared Virtual Reality Software Infrastructure Collaboration Management Security Infrastructure Electronic Notebooks Floor Control Quality of Service
R&D Progress All of the R&D Projects have made significant progress in the past year Tools are now being deployed into Pilot projects and into other programs A repository has been established at LBNL to distribute emerging tools
Video Conferencing Work continues on MBone Tools developed at LBL New Conference Controller enables remote control of conference tools and cameras Other tools being used for specific projects –NetMeeting –PictureTalk –Streaming JPEG –CUSeeMe
Floor Management Provide Floor Control and Mediation for MBone conferencing tools Plug into existing protocol support Two coordination models –Moderated meeting –Consensus meeting
Information or Software
Integration Framework Produce the distributed computing architecture required to support development of scientific laboratories Infrastructure will include common communication library which includes multicast and unicast with various reliability levels Group is preparing an Architecture Document to promote standards
Objectives Facilitate development and interoperability of collaboratory components by providing: –Convenient access to unicast and multicast messaging –Common communication API for unicast and multicast communication –Reliable multicast communication –CORBA evaluation and integration –Directory services –Integration of security –Access from multiple languages (Java, C++ and C)
URL Main CIF homepage (communication API description available)
Security Goals Development and demonstration of a security architecture that supports widely distributed applications AND access rights management by a widely distributed stakeholder community Fostering the development of a DOE Laboratory public-key infrastructure to enable practical use of the distributed security architecture Integration of the security architecture into several application domains
Security Architecture Distributed security architectures that are flexible, effective and easily deployed, administered and used for: –Authentication –Authorization –Access control –Confidentiality –Infrastructure protection –Distributed enterprise
Quality of Service Deploy Differentiated Services on selected ESnet links to support collaborative work Implement a Bandwidth Broker to provide sustained bandwidth to collaborative or distributed application Link to authentication architecture
Recent Accomplishments Design and implementation of bandwidth broker with authentication Interaction with IETF to establish standard Demonstrated capability with Cisco routers on ANL-LBNL link Will be deployed on ESnet and on I2
Collaboration Tools Taxonomy News group Papers Mail Electronic Notebook Telephone Video Conference Chat/White board Shared authoring & applications Shared VR space Instrument control Real Time Information Exchange Persistent Information Legal and Records requirements Notebook is a chronological record of ideas, data and events.
Motivation can be shared by remote collaborators (WWW access) always available for input or reading (can’t be “lost”) can contain rich media types (text, images, files, 3D structures, voice, animations, video,...) can take input directly from computers (instrument or editors) easy transfer of information from one notebook to another simplified notarization process (over the Web) allows querying/ searching (complex query possible) can include hyperlinks to other data and references Many advantages of using Electronic Notebook
Project Goals Design a common (open) Notebook Architecture –extensible as technology advances –interoperable with other notebook viewers –customizable for unique inputs of a given project Develop prototype implementations –make them available to DOE collaboratories –general research community –education –industry
Notebook Engine Plug-ins storage interface Notebook Architecture Design Storage implementation dependent storage object Notebook Client (Web Browser based) –familiar interface –widely used and available –existing standard –cross-platform –lots of existing software Notebook Object
Common Architecture Notebook Client Notebook Engine Advanced Features HTTP JAVA Advanced Features Data Acquisition Systems Text Images Equations Sketches Data Type N... Input Tools Editor API mcast ODB OPM Files Data Storage Interface
Why do you care? Mechanism for managing distributed projects More general than simple web server Links being developed with CVS Will permit integration of test suite results with version control
For Further Information DOE2000 Electronic Notebook Website Demonstration notebooks, Prototype EN Software for Unix and Windows, Disk distribution at SC’98 in Nov. Follow the links to:
Pilots Designed to test emerging technology and give feedback to technology developers Major Projects: –Diesel Combustion Collaboration –Materials Microcharacterization Collaboratory Some other efforts are going ahead with other (limited) funds
Diesel Collaboratory Focus on next generation of engines which must meet very tight emissions limits Collaborative computation as well as experiments to validate models Strong connection to industry, labs and university
Diesel Collaboratory Features Shared Combustion Models Computational Steering Library of Combustion Images Video Conferencing Electronic Notebooks
Diesel Collaboratory Issues Security especially for proprietary data Infrastructure at industrial partners Concerns about connections to Internet
Materials Collaboratory Features Common interface to instruments at all sites Remote control of instruments In-situ experiments using computer control Electronic notebooks Video conferencing
Materials Collaboratory Issues Security to protect instruments Some concern with proprietary data Avoiding “least common denominator” for instrument features Diversity of platforms Macintosh legacy
Observations Pilots must use a mix of commercial software and custom applications None of the tools is a perfect fit to needs Collaboratory tools are not well integrated with each other or with other packages already in use
Signs of Progress Despite problems and rough edges, the tools are being used Industry partners do seem to be joining in the collaborations although less quickly than university and lab scientists Other collaboratory projects are starting even with absence of new DOE funding
DOE2000 Web site