Webelos Advancement A fun and organized way to advance your Webelos to Arrow of Light George Trubisky & Ann Ramirez
Agenda part 1 Introduce my Scouts Webelos Advancement 101 –Activity Pins –Webelos Badge, faith requirement and earning the religious emblem of faith –Arrow of light requirements You will understand (if nothing else) after this part that earning these aren’t that easy!
Agenda part 2 What our den did and why it worked –Where to get help –Club Trax series spreadsheet –What to do first Summer Camp Parent organizing meetings Den meeting details
Summary How to get handouts from this class Questions and Comments
Who are you? How many are Bear Den or assistant leaders? Webelos I den or assistant leaders? Other positions?
Who am I? (george) Bear and Webelos Den Leader Tiger and Wolf assistant Den Leader Started August of 2003 with our pack (93) Other positions: –Holiday fund raiser chairperson for 2 years –WebMaster –A long, long, long time ago I was a Eagle Scout….
My Scouts Anthony (age 11, home school) Blake (age 10, 5th grade) Brandon (age 10, 4th grade) Mike (age 11, 6th grade) Paul (age 10, 5th grade) Tyler (age 10, 5th grade)
Webelos Advancement activity pins in 5 groups Webelos Badge Arrow of Light (Graduate) requirement 18 months total
Advancement 101-Badges Physical Skills group Mental Skills group Community group Technology group Outdoors group
Advancement 101-Badges Beltloops are re-earned as part of activity badge requirements 4 activity badges are required, 8 minimum to graduate Den and assistant Den leaders signoff on requiremnents-not parents
Advancement 101-Webelos Badge Do first like the other ranks, but does not include everything Fitness and Citizen activity pins required 1 other pin not from Physical or Community groups Faith requirement (know, commit practice) and….. Understand the (boy) Scout Oath and Law
Webelos Badge-faith requirement (d OR e) Requirement d –Earn the religious emblem of your faith Requirement e-do 2 of the 6 listed 1. Attend religious organization of choice, talk with the leaders about your beliefs, tell your family and Den leader about what you learned
Webelos Badge-faith requirement (d OR e) Requirement d –Earn the religious emblem of your faith Requirement e-do 2 of the 6 listed 2. Discuss with family and Den leader how your religious beliefs fit in with the Scout Oath and Scout Law
Webelos Badge-faith requirement (d OR e) Requirement d –Earn the religious emblem of your faith Requirement e-do 2 of the 6 listed 3. With your religious leader, discuss and make a plan to do two thing you think will draw you nearer to God. Do them over a month
Webelos Badge-faith requirement (d OR e) Requirement d –Earn the religious emblem of your faith Requirement e-do 2 of the 6 listed 4. For at least a month, pray or meditate reverently each each day as taught by your religious group
Webelos Badge-faith requirement (d OR e) Requirement d –Earn the religious emblem of your faith Requirement e-do 2 of the 6 listed 5. Under the direction of your religious leader, do an act of service for someone else. Talk about your service with your family and Den leader. Tell how it make you feel.
Webelos Badge-faith requirement (d OR e) Requirement d –Earn the religious emblem of your faith Requirement e-do 2 of the 6 listed 6. List at least 2 ways you believe you have lived according to your religious beliefs.
Webelos Badge-faith requirement Reasons Why I chose to have my den focus on earning the religious emblem of their faith (d) rather than alternate requirement (e): –Its easier to organize. There are outside resources to help your den parents –you don’t sign off on requirements, the Scout’s religious leader does. Alternate (e) requires the Den leader’s signoff and some participation. –It’s the only award beside Arrow of Light the Scout can carry over to Boy Scouts
Webelos Badge-faith requirements P.R.A.Y “ Programs of Religious Activities with Youth” Business Office) –Website: –Cross reference 54 religious denominations with religious emblem awards recognized by Boy and Girl Scouts –religious organizations themselves retain all responsibility for curriculum development and establishing program guidelines, P.R.A.Y business office just process orders for materials on-line)
Arrow of Light This is the “graduation” requirement Earned Webelos badge 8 activity badges total minimum –Must have readyman and outdoorsman –Must have fitness and citizen (from webelos badge) Must do a Webelos overnight campout –Overnight is in addition to outdoorsman overnight Must visit boy scout meeting
Arrow of Light is highest award in Cub Scouts
What my den did Who will help me? How do keep track? What should I do first? What training is required? Are there handouts?
Get uniformed assistant Den leaders!
Tracking tools Webelos Trax is 1 spreadsheet in a series that are FREE TOOLS By Scouters For Scouters Individual Webelos handbook for each scout
Tracking tools: Trax spreadsheet tabs Complete instructions Parent contacts info by scout Attendance record by scout Webelos badge achievements by scout Activity Pin achievements by scout Beltloop achievements by scout Arrow of Light achievements by scout Scout detail page for each scout
Tracking tools: An example I’m reviewing my Trax for to make sure all my scouts have met all the requirements for Arrow of light. Brandon is missing one of the requirements for his Webelos badge! Trax quickly lets me pinpoint what is missing I the parent for corrective action with supporting documentation
Tracking tools: web page
Summary: What to do first?
What to do first? Go to Pow-Wow
What to do first? Go to Pow-Wow Get signed up:summer day camp/Webeloree
What to do first? Go to Pow-Wow Get all your scouts into a summer day camp Set up a trax spreadsheet
What to do first? Go to Pow-Wow Get all your scouts into a summer day camp Set up a trax spreadsheet Schedule a parents organizing meeting as the FIRST meeting of the scout year (August) –chart the order of activities you want to do –schedule your den meetings –Assign parents achievement part of each meeting
What to do first? Go to Pow-Wow Get all your scouts into a summer day camp Set up a trax spreadsheet Schedule a parents organizing meeting as the FIRST meeting of the scout year (August) –chart the order of activities you want to do –schedule your den meetings –Assign parents achievement part of each meeting Get your B.A.L.O.O training –Basic Adult Leader Outdoor Orientation
Handouts from this class? Me with the title “Webelos Advancements” I’ll send you: –Copy of this presentation –Attach the current Webelos Trax spreadsheet