Virtual learning spaces: example of international collaboration Jadranka Lasić-Lazić Mihaela Banek Zorica Senada Dizdar Jasmin Klindžić University of Zagreb, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences University of Sarajevo, Faculty of Philosophy
Starting point Educational reform – ECTS International collaboration E-learning BASILEUS project – knowledge and expertise exchange OIZEOO project
E-learning Encourages and enables active student- teacher collaboration Creates a lifelong learning environment Responds to the need of transformed information space
E-learning Usage of ICT in traditional teaching and training (presentation tool) Blended learning – combination of traditional “in class” education and education via ICT Distant learning
It is necessary to… Choose the educational mode for concrete situation – educational level, audience, teacher and course content E-learning ≠ alternative but integral part of education (improvement and upgrade)
Omega Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences University of Zagreb
Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences stats students 500+ teachers & TAs 24 departments “face2face” courses 90+ PCs in computer labs/libraries
Omega stats Moodle based LMS, started in 2004 under OIZEOO project Currently: students over 270 teachers and TAs 24 department over 600 courses
Typical FHSS Humanities and social sciences Basic IT competency Basic information literacy Age not an issue Teachers and TAs have PCs, laptops, high-speed LAN & wireless Students have access to high-speed LAN and wireless
Our users’ favorite Moodle features Resource upload/linking Assignments Forums “News forums” as mini mailing lists Quizzes Glossaries Chats Wikis
Omega module statistic
BISER University of Sarajevo, Faculty of Philosophy
BISER (Bibliotečki BIbliotečki Sarajevski Elektronski Repozitorij Moodle based LMS, started in 2009 under Basileus and OIZEOO2 project Currently: 140+ students 19 teachers and TAs 30+ courses
Majority of used modules resource module instances forum module - 43 instances assignment module - 22 instances chat/dictionary/choice module - 4 instances.
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