Linguistic Annotation Framework SC4 WG 1 Nancy Ide Vassar College USA
LAF Goal ISO TC37 SC4 - WG 1 Provide a generic means to represent linguistic data and annotations Based on a formal model Users map their formats into/out of LAF User formats must conform to underlying model Pivot or “dump” format for exchange, machine processing
User A’s representation User B’s representation DUMP FORMAT “interlingua”
Principles Separation of data and annotations Stand-off annotation Separation of user annotation formats and the exchange (“dump”) format Mappable to one another Separation of referential structure and annotation content in dump format Separation of annotation structure (relationships among parts) and content (data categories) in representation of annotations
LAF Development LAF has gone through a slow evolution Model development (GMT as base) Consideration of processing needs Application to different annotation types/structures/formats Adjustments to development in other WGs on specific annotation types and feature structures “Proof of concept” instantiation in the American National Corpus Transduction of several different annotation types and formats to LAF format API to merge, transduce to other formats
LAF Status Have now Reduced FS specification Final XML format / schema GrAF : Graph Annotation Format Mapping “rules” and examples Also Coordination with UIMA Header specification including information about annotation, similar to UIMA type definition
Basic Model Annotation content represented by feature structures Powerful means to represent any/all annotations Referential structure represented as a directed acyclic graph (DAG) Enables exploitation of well-understood graph traversal and manipulation algorithms
Referential Structure Means by which annotation content is associated with primary data or other annotations Very simple DAG model No need to consider internal structure of annotation content (i.e. relations among bits of annotation information)
Primary Data Primary data contains no annotations “Read-only” Modifications can be regarded as annotations Insistence on the identification of a base segmentation of the primary data Identifies contiguous sequences of indivisible logical units For text, usually a character “Compatible” annotations (i.e. those that can be merged etc.) use common base segmentation
Primary Segmentation Set of disjoint edges over primary data Vertices Virtual, located between each logical unit Sequentially numbered Edges Each edge (x,y) in the graph delimits a non- divisible region of primary data Comformance to MAF, SynAF call these edges over primary data a span
Multiple primary segmentations may be defined over a single primary data set Specify segmentations at different levels of granularity A segmentation is “primary” vis a vis a given annotation, not the data itself Edges in a primary segmentation can be defined over any span of contiguous primary data, regardless of its length No need for spans to be contiguous For text, most common primary segmentation is the token
Referring to Primary Segmentation Define an edge graph over the edges (spans) in the primary segmentation Given an edge set, E, create an edge graph E’ such that for each edge (x,y) in E, there is a vertex xy in E’ Annotations are associated with regions of primary data by referencing the edge graph vertices Annotations never reference the primary data directly
Edges in E’ are defined when annotations reference vertices in E’ Vertices may or may not be contiguous An annotation is associated with vertices in E’ as follows: 1. Create a new vertex, v 2. Label it with the FS containing the annotation content 3. Create an edge from v to 0 or more vertices in E’ Zero reference is used in the special case where the annotation applies to information not present in the data References to 2 or more vertices in E’ by by default concatenate the information covered by the referenced vertices (in order) can be overridden to specify vertices are to be regarded as an ordered list or “bag”
Edge graph over primary data |T|h|e| |c|l|o|c|k| |s|t|r|u|c|k| |t|w|e|n|t|y|-|t|w|o| | Annotations associated with vertices in the primary data edge graph type=token pos=nn base=clock type=token pos=det base=the type=token pos=vbd base=strike type=token pos=cd base=twenty+two
As many annotations as desired can reference the same segmentation or be layered over lower-level annotations S EG 2 Primary data MS1 MS2NP Syn2 Co-Ref Syn1 SEG1SEG1 MS3Sem
Annotating Annotations Vertices in an annotation may be referenced from other annotations 1. Create a new vertex, v’ 2. Label it with the FS containing the annotation content 3. Create an edge from v’ to one or more vertices associated with an annotation The strategy described above may be applied recursively, thus creating a DAG whose leaves are the vertices in E’
Annotations associated with token annotations type=np number=sing type=vp tense=past type=np number=sing type=token pos=nn base=clock type=token pos=det base=the type=token pos=vbd base=strike type=token pos=cd base=twenty+two |T|h|e| |c|l|o|c|k| |s|t|r|u|c|k| |t|w|e|n|t|y|-|t|w|o| |
XML Instantiation
Token Annotation Creates a new vertex (node) associated with the FS with a single edge to vertex “e2” in the primary segmentation edge graph
NP Annotation Creates a new vertex (node) associated with the FS with two outgoing edges to vertices “t1” and “t2” in the token annotation
Question ISO TC37 SC4 - WG 1 Beijing 2006 When referring to annotations, edge targets typically represent components E.g. in the example: “the” and “clock” are components of “NP” But this is not always the case Could be e.g. a list of co-referents Others? Possible solution: let the processor deal with it using the FS type
Note ISO TC37 SC4 - WG 1 Beijing 2006 Edges are never labeled, unlike in many linguistic analyses Preserves simplicity of the graph Relations are DatCats edgesTo attribute can be empty Can create pseudo-nodes Implies a flat (non-nested) structure in the dump format
ISO TC37 SC4 - WG 1 Beijing 2006 obj head s FLEA HAVE head gen subj DOG MY [DOG]
Advantages of DAG ISO TC37 SC4 - WG 1 Beijing 2006 Can apply graph algorithms to traverse the graph Breadth-first, depth-first traversal, shortest path, minimum spanning tree Connectedness, articulation vertices Topological sort Graph coloring, graph partitioning Etc. What can we do with this? What is all info on path to/from node x What is nearest common ancestor of nodes x and y Find matching sub-graphs Identify connected components Which nodes (phenomena) are most connected, form articulation vertices, etc. …
Feature Structures ISO TC37 SC4 - WG 1 Beijing 2006 Each edge is labeled with a feature value Can be FS, collection (list, bag, set), atom Alternation and grouping handled by the FS mechanisms Need to identify “basic” FS mechanisms 90% of annotations use only these Annotations may (optionally) use only this set Ease of use No need to implement procedures to handle full power of FS Need to create a FS library for abbreviation
Implications for Other WGs ISO TC37 SC4 - WG 1 Beijing 2006 Should (conceptually at least) separate referential structure from annotation content E.g. “tlink” in TimeML/SemAF: the link itself is the edge, “tlink” is the annotation content (?) Need for coordination Inter-project coordination committee? Need examples!
Today’s Work ISO TC37 SC4 - WG 1 Beijing 2006 Discuss the format in terms of specific annotation types Remember that dump format is in principle never seen by the user Map user format into and out of dump format Two topics DAG for referential structure FS for representing annotation content