Prof. Shih-Hao Hung 洪士灝 Dept. of CSIE & GINM 資工網媒 [ ]
How do you improve computers? First, understand the computer… software & hardware! Where are the important and meaningful problems? Use tools and your brain to solve problems! Our Approaches – Deep, Fundamental, Practical, Useful Performance tools and evaluation methodologies Applications from embedded systems to cloud computing Security for systems and applications over the Internet PAS Lab: 3 Ph.D. students, 14 M.S. students, 5 undergraduate students Many projects & collaborators (MediaTek, MStar, Intel, IBM, etc.) Goals: Train students with skills to think and work smart Contribute to the academic and industrial research
You will learn… How SW/HW components in a system work together How performance tools help to detect performance problems How to improve systems with modeling and simulation Examples: 國科會研究計畫 : 多處理器系統晶片最佳化方法與工具設計 (Optimization of Multiprocessor Systems-on-Chips: Methodology and Tool Design) , 2006~2009 國科會推動規劃補助計畫 : Android 平台最佳化技術研究之建置計畫 (I)-- 子計 畫三 : 通訊效能與輸出入裝置驅動程式之最佳化( Optimization of the Interprocessor Communications and Input/Output Device Drivers for Android Platforms ), 2009~2011 經濟部學界科專計畫『嵌入式異質多核心系統技術研發三年計畫』: B3 分項 -- 嵌入式異質多核心系統效能工具之開發 Performance Analysis Tools for Heterogeneous Multicore Embedded Systems, 2008~2011 MStar: Performance Evaluation for Android Systems via Virtual Platforms, 2011~2012
You will learn… How to develop and optimize Multicore & GPU applications How to develop and optimize Android Smartphone applications How to develop and optimize Cloud Computing applications How to design Security mechanisms in these applications Examples: 美國昇陽電腦公司:以平行計算技術為基礎的新微處理機系統晶片 (CMT processor SoC) 作為下一代通訊市場使用之 ATCA 平台之效能評估技術, 2006~2007 廣達研究院:分析與改進商用中階儲存伺服器 (enterprise-class storage server system) 之效能, 2006~2007 國科會國家型科技計畫 : 以虛擬平台實現異質多核心應用快速原型設計之技術 研究 (Fast Prototyping of Heterogeneous Multicore Applications via Virtual Platforms), 2009~2011 國科會研究計畫 : 行動應用軟體之虛擬化雲端執行環境 Cloud-based Virtualized Execution Environment for Mobile Applications, 2011~2012
Functional Simulator + Cycle-Accurate Simulator + Parallel Simulation Traditional MethodMulti-level, Multi-Stage Simulation on Multicore NSC Project Collaborate with 中研院
Network Proc. GPU Codec Engine 2x ARM CPU Memory I/O Devices 4x DSP Local Memory Interrupt Serv. MoEA Project ( ): System Software for Multicore SoC Collaborate with 清大 、 交大 、 工研院 New Project with Mstar ( 晨星半導體 ), ~
NSC Project ( ) Collaborate with 清大 、 交大 、 Qista, Mstar, MIPS, Qualcomm
In Collaboration with MediaTek ( 聯發科 ), ~ Study and improve cloud computing system infrastructure Develop truly innovative cloud applications (e.g. virtual phone) Enhance security in the cloud (e.g. secure data store)
In our lab, you have an opportunity to really learn a lot about computer systems in the future The world is full of multicore computers – do you really know how to make use of them? Everybody is talking about cloud computing – do you really know the key innovations? Smartphones are replacing notebook/desktop computers – do you know the trend of mobile computing We have challenging projects to help you learn these state- of-the-art system technologies, and the learned skills will be very useful to your career in the future!