Smart Growth Implementation Assistance State of California Fact Sheet More about Smart Growth Preliminary Project Goals.


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Presentation transcript:

Smart Growth Implementation Assistance State of California Fact Sheet More about Smart Growth Preliminary Project Goals Develop model land use, development, and investment strategies California communities can use to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and to use energy more efficiently, and develop benchmarks they can use to measure progress. Identify “community types” that will stand in for the range of communities in California. Develop model strategies and indicators and get feedback on those products from local governments in California. Produce a framework to help communities decide which strategies are most appropriate for their context. The state of California and its local governments have long been on the forefront when it comes to implementing policies to support more sustainable development. The state’s landmark AB 32 legislation sets the bar even higher, creating ambitious greenhouse gas (GHG) emission reduction targets that affect both public and private sectors. The state requested assistance through EPA’s Smart Growth Implementation Assistance program to create a framework that will help local governments determine which combination of GHG reduction strategies, smart growth practices, and sustainability policies are best for their type of community. Through this process, the state can also better determine how to tailor its tools and resources to meet the needs of all local jurisdictions. The final products from this project will also be helpful to communities around the country. The project will be completed by November To develop these products, the team will identify “community types” that will stand in for the range of communities in California. The team will develop model strategies and indicators and get feedback on those products from local governments in California. Once the strategies and indicators have been finalized, the team will produce a framework to help communities decide which strategies are most appropriate for their context. EPA is assembling the contractor team, which will include consultants with expertise in greenhouse gas reduction plans, urban design and code reform, transportation planning, sustainable community development, rural and small-town development, and assessing the cost-effectiveness of strategies. EPA is also coordinating a team of staff from EPA’s Smart Growth Program and the Region 9 office, the Smart Growth Implementation Assistance State of California Sustainable California Communities for the 21 st Century Last updated December 2009

U.S. Department of Transportation (DOT), and the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD). The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has also been invited to participate. The state of California will assemble two groups: an Advisory Committee that will meet three times to review interim deliverables and a smaller Project Team that will participate in monthly calls. The project team is led by the Governor’s Office of Planning and Research and includes representatives from the Air Resources Board; the Business, Transportation, and Housing Agency; California Energy Commission; California Environmental Protection Agency; Department of Transportation; Department of Housing and Community Development; Department of Public Health; and the Institute for Local Government. Project Lead: Megan Susman, US EPA Smart Growth Phone: Project Partners: John Thomas, US EPA Smart Growth Phone: Julia Lave Johnston California Governor’s Office of Planning & Research Phone: EPA's mission is to protect public health and the environment. How and where communities grow and develop impacts public health and the environment. Therefore, EPA works with states and communities to find ways to grow while minimizing environmental and health impacts. Studies have demonstrated that smart growth development approaches have clear environmental benefits, including improved air and water quality, increased wetlands preservation, more brownfield sites cleaned and reused, and increased preservation of open spaces. Smart Growth Implementation Assistance State of California