The Definitive Intervention System. #innovative
Old Ways Changes so far… Individual Case Managers with personal resources. Two central disorganised cupboards of interventions. Sporadic, non offending behaviour group work. Neither generic or individualised plans of work. A selection of group programmes developed. Development of in house interventions. An electronic database of interventions. Programme requirements implemented. Partnership work with Stockton YOS.
YRO Programme Requirements and Panel Contract Programmes Stand Alone Programmes Victim Awareness Group – 3 Days Anger Management Group – 3 Days Offending Consequences Group – 3 Days Problem Solving Group – 3 Days Young people completing the stand alone programmes will receive a streamlined report on their engagement and interaction in the programme. Intensive Programmes – New for 2012 All the below programmes incorporate a one day introduction session, one of the above group programmes and then extra one to one/group sessions. Restorative Justice Programme – 10 Days Managing Emotions – 8 Days Offending Consequences (High Intensity) – 8 Days Thinking Skills – 8 Days Young people completing the Intensive Programmes receive a comprehensive report on their attendance, engagement and attitude. Other Alcohol Awareness (in house) – 6 Days Diversity Programme – 4 Days Breach Re-Engagement – 4 Days Vehicle Crime – 4 Days Peer Pressure – 3 Days Young people completing the above courses will receive a report similar to the stand alone programme which covers basic interaction and engagement.
The Intervention Database… 8 Main Categories Decided on.. Assessment & Exploratory Attitudes to Offending Health Perception of Self and Others Thinking and Behaviour Referrals and Programmes Miscellaneous and Education Offending Specific Over 400 resources logged and counting… let’s have a look! Details inputted include.. Name of Resource Type (DVD/Worksheet/Group Session) Physical Location Electronic Hyperlink (Not for every resource) Main Category and Sub Category (In order to assist locating appropriate resources) Length of Intervention (In approximate session length) ‘Freshness’ (Age/Colour/Interest, scored between 1-5) Asset Matrix (Demonstrates which Asset category the resource addresses) Delivery Method (Group or One2One Delivery) Training Required (Training required for staff to deliver) Brief Details of Intervention
The Intervention Database…
Also on the Database… The Database and electronic materials are accessible to all staff at the YOS, a shared drive is needed for this. As well as the intervention database, there are also tabs to explore: Current Referrals Upcoming Courses Group Members Completed Order Referrals Young Person Evaluation of Groups/Worksheets
The Intervention Cupboard… Although we are attempting to create an entirely electronic database, there are physical copies of materials as well as any additional materials such as laminated cards/DVDs etc that can be found in the main YOS office, these are colour coded in line with the intervention checklist (Next Slide).
The Next Step – APIS Intervention System Name to coincide with APIS introduction, application to all post court cases ideal. Initial work completed around exploration and assessment. Initial APIS/Panel meeting to inform the creation of an individualised structure of work. A Checklist (pictured left) can be utilised to help the creation of the individual work pack.
The individual pack… Order Length and Scaled Approach Level included to give an indication of the amount of sessions. Offence included to ensure they can be referred to for any specific work. Learning Style noted for any specific needs to be met. The identified areas listed, followed by the work included in the pack and a [ ] to be ticked upon completion. Notes can be made to assist with recaps and anyone completing work with the YP. The appropriate interventions are then printed and placed within a paper folder, this folder can then be taken to all sessions with the young person and to meetings where progress and work completed is discussed.
Example and Materials in Practice Rob is convicted of an assault, he has shown limited remorse for his offences. Rob received a YRO at court after pleading not guilty, claiming that the offence occurred due to the behaviour of the injured party. He struggles to understand the influences that led to the offence in question. The offence took place on the owner of a take away establishment, the police report states that racist language was used prior to the assault. He has previously struggled to comply with community orders.
Any Questions? This Slideshow was created for the benefit of visiting services and for launching the new system with the YOS. Taster materials in relation to the identified areas in the previous slide would then be delivered to give examples of the work completed. If you have any questions relating to the presentation or the intervention system, do not hesitate to contact me: I’m also willing to share any interventions created in- house as anyone who has visited our service will tell you.