A personal account An autobiographical recollection of the parallel development of “e” technology and my industry
My I.T. “qualifications” The silicon chip would one day replace the potato chip In short, I’m definitely not a “technocrat” !!! The broadband is a group of overweight musicians A “mega –bite” is what you do to a mega burger
The world was still a very big place 70’s: International ‘collaborative’ working was in it’s infancy Projects by comparison were much smaller in scale and consequently communication needs were much less demanding. Locations were extremely remote in terms of IT & communications infrastructure. E.g. “stand alone” computers, “the mail bag”, ship to shore
80’s: Communications via phone and fax were generally geographically limited to the location, e.g. North Sea – Aberdeen Projects were still very much “regional” e.g.: North Sea Development, SE Asia, etc.. Technological impact on designs was increasing, e.g. remotely operated facilities
Mega projects driven by enhanced technology 90’s: Inaccessibility was virtually eliminated Time Zones became irrelevant Tele / video conferencing became commonplace The Internet and e mail arrived ***** I got my first lap top and cell phone Global business demanded global communication ‘solutions’ Global collaboration was driven by economics and the need for shared risk
I got promoted and joined a Frequent Flyer program! 2000’s: Ever increasing IT demands and solutions. Recognition of “user’s” technological limitations ‘Customized’ information management ‘tools’ were introduced allowing instant access and “real time” working
Where are we today?
Corporate Information Storage Corporate Applications facilities Collaborative Working The internet provides a method of utilizing low cost and more reliable local “links” to connect to a ‘virtual’ office environment. A single Internet page can provide access to everything in “real” time
Any PC that’s connected to the Internet allows me to enter my ‘virtual’ office. Project reporting and the recovery of current data and information is instantly achievable. I require only the most basic of technological ‘know how’ to work remotely and the use of the internet provides access from anywhere in the World. Access to a simple web page links into the Head Office and provides full office functionality. I require only the most basic of technological ‘know how’ to work remotely and the use of the internet provides access from anywhere in the World. Access to a simple web page links into the Head Office and provides full office functionality.
Technology affords me instant access to the knowledge base held in the corporate HQ. This affords me a consistent “corporate” approach across multiple remote locations.
This access allows instant updating of project information. The proliferation of the Internet allows the power of corporate systems to be utilized in any location, at any time and at a low cost. Information is communicated to all “stakeholders” immediately and allows mitigation to be initiated in a timely fashion.
BUT !!! Wireless communication Hand held devices Voice activated applications E- Transport ?? Limited only by our imaginations Retirement