Subawards How to Create, Link, and Manage Subawards in Cayuse 424 Office of Grant & Contract Services 6 September 2012
Table of Contents Introduction Creating a Subaward Navigating Your Subaward Linking & Unlinking Subawards Importing Subawards Synching Subawards & Primes Cayuse Support
Introduction A Cayuse 424 Subaward is essentially a simplified proposal which consists of only a detailed budget, a Performance Site form, and a simplified Key Person form (with no slot for PI). Preparing each Subaward as a separate sub-proposal allows the use of Institutional Profiles and Indirect Cost rates specific to the Subaward organization, and possibly also Professional Profiles. There are two ways to create subawards in Cayuse: 1.Creating a stand-alone subawardCreating a stand-alone subaward 2.Linking a subaward to the prime proposalLinking a subaward to the prime proposal
How to Create Linked & Stand-Alone Subawards Creating a Subawards
Table of Contents Creating Linked Subawards Creating Stand-Alone Subawards
Creating Linked Subawards A Subaward can be created within an existing primary proposal, in which case, it is automatically linked to that prime proposal. Before creating a Subaward, you should have an Institutional Profile for the subcontractor and Professional Profiles for the subcontracting Key Personnel (with Institutional Associations). Note: After a Subaward has been linked to a Prime, all permissions on that subaward are stripped of write access. In order to write to a linked subaward, you must first open the prime and have write access to it.
Creating a Linked Subaward 1.To create a subaward within the prime proposal, navigate to the Subaward Budget Attachment form. Please be aware that Subaward Budget Attachment form is only accessible on PROPs (proposals being submitted through Cayuse) and not PAFs or SPARs.
Creating a Linked Subaward 2.Click the “Create Subaward” button on the R&R Subaward Budget Attachment Form page.
Creating a Linked Subaward 3.A pop-up window will appear. Fill out the requested information. –The title of the subaward should be named as SUBAWARD [Sponsor] [OGCS #] –Select the Organization –Leave the IDC Rate unselected –Select the Due Date –Click Create Subaward
Creating a Linked Subaward Another pop-up window will appear, alerting you that no IDC rate was selected. It will ask if you want to create the proposal anyway. Click OK. After clicking OK, you will be immediately redirected to your subaward.
Creating a Stand-Alone Subaward Stand-alone Subawards appear on the All Proposals list, but are not linked to any prime proposal yet. Note that a stand-alone subaward cannot be submitted to – it must be linked to a prime proposal. ProposalsCreate ProposalTo create a stand-alone subaward, navigate to the Proposals tab and click on the Create Proposal button near the top right of the page.
Creating a Stand-Alone Subaward A pop-up window will appear Select Subaward Proposal Click Create
Creating a Stand-Alone Subaward A new pop-up window will appear. 1.Enter the Title as: SUBAWARD [Prime Institute/Organization] [OGCS #] 2.Select the Organization 3.Leave the IDC Rate unselected 4.Select the Number (#) of Budget Periods –Note that “periods” means “years” 5.Input the Due Date – the date in which the subaward must be submitted 6.Select the Validation Type – who is the prime sponsor of this subaward? 7.Select Create Subaward **See next slide for image reference**
Creating a Stand-Alone Subaward Another pop-up window will appear, alerting you that no IDC rate was selected. It will ask if you want to create the proposal anyway. Click OK.
Understanding & Getting Around Your Subaward Navigating Your Subaward
Table of Contents How to Link a Subaward to a Prime How to Unlink a Subaward from a Prime
Navigating Your Subaward You will notice that the subaward looks similar to a proposal, but with only a few basic forms.
Navigating Your Subaward Navigating through your subaward is similar to navigating through your proposal. You can use the breadcrumb bar to navigate from your subaward to the prime proposal and the linked subawards page.
Navigating Your Subaward The side menu will help you navigate through your subaward to set up Performance Sites, Key Personnel, Budgets, and other additional information.
How to Link and Unlink Subawards to Proposals in Cayuse Linking & Unlinking Subawards
Table of Contents Importing a Linked Subaward Importing a Stand-Alone Subaward
How to Link a Subaward to a Prime 1.Go to the Subaward Budget Attachment form on the main proposal. 2.On the Subaward Budget Attachment page, click on the Link Subaward button.
How to Link a Subaward to a Prime 3.A pop-up window will appear that will allow you to link in a stand- alone subaward within Cayuse. 4.Select by clicking the subaward you wish to link to your prime proposal. 5.Click Link in Subaward.
How to Unlink a Subaward from a Prime 1.Go to the Subaward Budget Attachment form on the main proposal. 2.To unlink a subaward click on the icon to the right of the subaward you’d like to unlink from the main proposal.
How to Unlink a Subaward from a Prime A pop-up window will appear. There are two options given: you may either unlink the subaward or you may unlink and delete the subaward. Select whether you’d like it to be unlinked or unlinked and deleted, then click Unlink Subaward.
How to Unlink a Subaward from a Prime If you select Unlink and Delete option and click Unlink Subaward, another pop-up window will appear. Click OK if you’re certain you would like the subaward permanently deleted.
How to Import External Subawards to Cayuse Proposals Importing Subawards
Cayuse 424 has the ability to import subawards from external sources. There are three sources for importable subawards: 1.Stand-alone subawards created in Cayuse 424 by a user at another institution 2.Subaward proposals created on 3.Adobe federal subawards (extracted from the Adobe application packages) To import a subaward proposal, it must be accessible to you on either your computer’s hard drive or a shared network drive. There are two ways to import a subaward: 1.The subaward may be imported as a stand-alone subaward 2.The subaward may be imported as a linked subaward to the prime proposal
Importing a Linked Subaward Navigate to the Subaward Budget Attachment form under the main proposal. Click on the Import Subaward button.
Importing a Linked Subaward A pop-up window will appear: Title the subaward as SUBAWARD [Sponsor] [OGCS #]. Browse for the subaward file on your hard drive. Click Import Subaward.
Importing a Stand-Alone Subaward Navigate to the Proposals tab. Click Import Subaward. A pop-up window will appear: Enter the title as SUBAWARD [Sponsor] [OGCS #]. Browse for the subaward file on your hard drive. Click Import Subaward.
How Subawards & Main Proposals Function Once Linked Together Synching Subawards & Prime Proposals
If you change budget, key person, and/or performance site data in one of the linked subaward budgets, Cayuse 424 will notice and automatically update that data in the prime as well. If Key Persons or Performance Sites have been added to the subaward or deleted from the main proposal, they will not be automatically synchronized to the linked prime or subaward. Likewise, if a key person or performance site is removed from the subaward, they will not automatically be removed from the prime.
Synching Subawards & Prime Proposals In regards to subawards with empty budget periods: Cayuse 424 expects all Subawards linked to a Prime to have the same number of budget periods as the Prime (and the same dates). When you link a subaward to a prime, it will bring up a dialog asking you to match up the subaward’s budget periods with those of the prime. There is no need to fill in any “blank” or “dummy” periods in your subaward, as Cayuse will automatically sync the periods up accordingly.
Cayuse Support For Help With Cayuse 424, You May… –Contact OGCS via or call us at extension –Refer to the Training Materials on the OGCS website: –Go to the Cayuse Support website: