C OLLEGES A GAINST C ANCER Relay For Life of Assumption
What do we do? Colleges Against Cancer gives students the opportunity to bring the fight against cancer to campus, while receiving support and guidance from a local Society office. Colleges Against Cancer chapters focus their efforts on four strategic directions: advocacy, cancer education, Relay For Life, and survivorship.
Relay For Life 2011 Accomplishments $10,313 Gross $9,448 Net Income 12 teams 104 registered participants 8 survivors
CAC Example Events October – Breast Cancer Awareness Month and Activity Volunteering at Making Strides Against Breast Cancer-October 23 rd – Paint the Campus PINK
CAC Example Events November – Lung Cancer Awareness Month Great American Smokeout – Relay Rally
CAC Example Events December – Cancer Education Activity January – Relay For Life planning meetings begin!
CAC Example Events February – Colorectal Cancer Awareness Month – National Nutrition Month March – Spring Break SUN SAFETY!
CAC Example Events April – RELAY FOR LIFE! – Survivor Celebration – Relay Wrap-Up!
Why We Relay Kelsey will send
I T ’ S BIG. I T ’ S P URPLE. I T ’ S C OMING. Relay For Life of Assumption
G OT PURPLE? Relay For Life of Assumption
H OPE > C ANCER Relay For Life of Assumption
FREE HOPE Relay For Life of Assumption
T HE B IGGEST T HING O N C AMPUS. … THAT ’ S WHAT SHE SAID Relay For Life of Assumption
C ATCH THE P URPLE F EVER Relay For Life of Assumption
F IGHT C ANCER ? O H YES YOU C AN, S IR. Relay For Life of Assumption
What? Relay For Life - a hour event of HOPE American Cancer Society’s Signature Fundraiser A Party With a Purpose
When? April 2012
Where? Plourde Gymnasium!
Who? Cancer Survivors Caregivers 20 teams of (Campus) students You. One Day. One Night. One Hope. One Fight.
Why? In the time it took to go through the first 4 slides, 22 people were diagnosed with cancer. To help support the research, education, advocacy and service efforts of the American Cancer Society
Why? Please stand if… You are a cancer survivor.
Why? Please stand if… You have ever had a sibling diagnosed with cancer.
Why? Please stand if… You have ever had a parent or grandparent diagnosed with cancer.
Why? Please stand if… You have ever had an aunt, uncle, or cousin diagnosed with cancer.
Why? Please stand if… You have ever had a friend diagnosed with cancer.
Why? Please stand if… You would like to see a world with less cancer and more birthdays.
Why? You’re already standing for something you can believe in. Look around…
How? - ollegewww.relayforlife.org/assumptionc ollege -Follow us on Twitter
Paws For the Cause
Paws for the Cause Name: _____________________________________ A full card=a chance for our Relay FUN raffle!  Learn more at:Follow us on twitter here:
Committee Structure Chair Board Staff Partner Sub- Committees Sub- Committee Chairs
Event and Team Development Recruits and supports teams for RFL and other events throughout the year Contacts former teams and encourages new teams to sign up Promote events on campus through in person publicity
Relay Online Publicity Administrator of the RFL Website Trains teams to use site, if needed Sends blast reminders Updates Facebook and Twitter pages
Survivorship/Caregiver Recognition Promote all events to cancer survivors and their caregivers Plans the reception and survivor lap for the Relay Engage survivors throughout the year Implement Virtual Survivor Program
Entertainment Plan music, games, contests, and other entertainment for Relay and other CAC events Work closely with Sponsorship to obtain prizes
Spirit Recognize teams throughout the year along with event and team development committee Help to plan Relay ceremonies Get everyone excited!
Sponsorship Work with area businesses to obtain monetary and in-kind donations for relay and other events Coordinate pick-up and distribution of prizes/food
Fundraising Develop and plan events on campus to help teams fundraise for their teams for Relay Encourage and mentor teams to reach the suggested $100 goal for their Relay individual goal
Mission Education & Advocacy Create awareness of cancer facts, progress and prevention steps through execution of educational activities Promote ACS CAN-show students they can fight back and be proactive!
Registration/Finance Help collect and register teams and team members both at team meetings and at Relay
Logistics Schedule and book places for meetings, the Relay event, and coordinate set-up and take-down on the day-of Relay
Manpower You will be contact when we need help! Perfect for people who are busy, but want to help! Will include set-up, take down, table-sitting, etc
CAC General Meeting Dates 1 st Wednesday of every month fall semester PM) – October 5 th – November 9 th – December 7 th
CAC Committee Dates Will meet as determined by sub- committees and their chairs Sub-committees will report back to the Chair Board every other week prior to Chair Meetings PM
CAC Interest Surveys Applications are due back to by Friday, September 23 rd at 5:00 PM for chair positions