Africa Rising – Achievements with demonstration / on farm trials to date Solomon Gebreselassie, Gebrehiwot Biru, Abiyot Aragaw, Steffen Schulz and Britta Kowalski International Potato Center (CIP)
Africa Rising – Partners for demonstration trials Amhara Region Debre Birhan University Debre Birhan Agricultural Research Centre Basona Worana Woreda Office of Agriculture Oromiya Region Sinana Agricultural Research Centre Medawolabu University Sinana Woreda Livestock Agency Sinana Woreda Office of Agriculture SNNP Region Areka Agricultural Research Centre Lemo Woreda Agricultural Office Hadiya Zone Agricultural Office Worabe Agricultural Research Centre Wachamo University Tigray Region Tigray Agricultural Research Institute (TARI) Alamata Agricultural Research Centre Mekelle University Endamehoni Woreda Office of Agriculture
Africa Rising –demonstration trials Crops: Potato, Wheat, Faba bean: 3 farmers percrop per kebele Sites: Goshe Bado and Gudo Beret kebele, Basona Wora na, Amhara Upper Gana and Jewe, Lemo, SNNPR Ilu Sanbitu and Selka, Sinana, Oromiya Emba-Hasti and Tsibet, Endamekoni, Tigray Participants: Men’s group Women's group Youth group
Evaluations Mid season field day End season field day
Participatory evaluations Farmers Selection Criteria Midseason and end season field Evaluation Men WomenYouth No. Goshe Bado (Basona Worana, Amhara) 1. Resistance to diseasesCrop stand (erect)Resistance to diseases 2. Early maturityResistance to diseasesNumber of stems 3. Crop stand (erect)Early maturityAdaptation to the area 4. Adaptation to the areaNumber of stemsCrop stand (erect) 1. Total yield 2. Tuber sizeTasteTuber size 3. Number of small sized tubersTuber sizeAppearance 4. Taste Shape 5. Appearance Taste Gudo Beret Kebele (Basona Worana, Amhara) 1. Resistance to diseasesCrop stand (erect)Resistance to diseases 2. Early maturityResistance to diseasesNumber of stems 3. Crop stand (erect)Early maturityAdaptation to the area 4. Adaptation to the areaNumber of stemsCrop stand (erect) 1. Total tuber number 2. Total yield 3. Tuber size 4. Appearance 5. Taste
Potato- Mid season field evaluation The main objectives of the mid-season evaluation were to: demonstrate growth of each potato variety under local conditions evaluate each potato variety using farmer selection criteria. compare and rank the potato varieties against farmers’ selection criteria No. Farmers selection Criteria Variety 1= GudeneVariety 2= Gera Variety 3= Shenkola Resistance to diseases Early maturity crop stand Adaptation to the area Total Rank3 rd 2 nd 1 st Ranking of potato varieties by men group at Goshe Bado. 1= Worst, 2= Moderate, 3= Good, 4= Best; Score of each variety was calculated by multiplying its value given by the number of peoples who voted (12)
Potato - End season field evaluation - Farmer feedback: to avoid confusion the ranking values should only be 3 levels No. Farmers selection Criteria Variety 1= ShenkolaVariety 2= Gera Variety 3= Gudene Total yield Taste of the variety Size of the tuber Total Rank1 st 2 nd 3 rd Ranking of potato varieties by women group at Goshe Bado. 1= Poor, 2= Medium, 3= Good; Score of each variety was calculated by multiplying its value given by the number of peoples who voted (9) The main objectives of the mid-season evaluation were to: demonstrate the performance (yield and related parameters) of each potato variety evaluate each potato variety using farmer selection criteria including taste compare and rank the potato varieties against farmers’ selection criteria
Potato – End of Season Field day in Lemo
Potato - Results Farmers Selection Mid and End season field evaluation No. MenWomenYouth Mid-seasonEnd-seasonMid-seasonEnd-seasonMid-seasonEnd-season Goshe Bado (Debre Birhan, Amhara) 1.Shenkola 2.Gera 3.Gudene Gudo Beret Kebele (Debre Birhan, Amhara) 1.ShenkolaGera -- Shenkola Gera 2.GeraShenkola -- GeraGudene 3.Gudene -- Shenkola
Potato - Results VarietyTY (t ha -1 )MY (t ha -1 )UMY (t ha -1 )TNTNMT %NUMT % Shenkola ,332,7 Gera ,226,8 Gudene ,237,8 Yield and yield related parameters of each variety at Goshe Bado. TY= Total yield, MY= Marketable yield, UMY= Unmarketable yield, TNT= Total number of tubers, NMT= Number of marketable tubers, NUMT= Number of unmarketable tubers and t ha -1 = tone per hectare. VarietyTY (t ha -1 )MY (t ha -1 )UMY (t ha -1 )TNTNMTNUMT Shenkola ,023,0 Gera ,122,9 Gudene ,249,8 Yield and yield related parameters of each variety tested at Gudo Beret
Potato - Results Jewe (SNNPR, Lemo) 1.Gudene 3 sprays Gudene 2 sprays 3.Gera - - Upper Gana (SNNPR, Lemo) 1.Gudene 3 sprays 2.Gudene 2 spraysGudene 2 sprays and Gera Gudene 2 sprays 3.Gera Farmers Selection Mid and End season field evaluation No. MenWomenYouth
Potato demonstration trials – Diffused Light Stores DLS were constructed with farmers who participated in the potato demonstration trials
Farmers’ feedback on potato field demonstrations in Amhara - Among the three varieties tested, Gudene was most affected by late blight - The field day participant farmers appreciate the effort made by the Africa RISING project, particularly demonstration of new varieties that were not known in the area. Most of the farmers had been dependent on only on two varieties (Gera & Gorebella) for long time. They observed decrease of yield over time. - Farmers reflect that the lessons learn from the demonstration plots will help them to adopt the technology next season. They appreciated the experience they have acquired and the confidence they built through field day and variety selection exercise. - Some farmers reported that they used to grow potato without fertilizer, obtaining only low yields. They recognized the importance of applying fertilizer.
Farmers’ feedback on wheat field demonstrations in Amhara - Some farmers were interested to get the wheat varieties, especially cv. Tsehay and asked how they can find the seed. - Some suggested the need for practical support from experts on row planting during planting time. - Farmers also suggested future introduction of bread wheat varieties which have double advantage use as food and feed.
Farmers’ feedback on faba bean field demonstrations in Amhara - infestation with unknown disease. Application of fungicides couldn’t protect the crop from damage. (viral?) - Some of the farmers noted that row planting used in faba bean demonstration is very labor intensive. They pointed the need for a row planter. - Some farmers urge if the project can do some work on field pea.
Research questions Potato -will combining B3 late blight tolerance and spray regime reduce farmers’ risk sufficiently for them to adopt technology? -Does QDPM increase marketable yield and quality convincingly for farmers to pay higher prices for better seed? -Does DLS storage improve seed quality convincingly for farmers to invest in specialised stores? -How can potato be included in production systems involving trees? -Double-cropping after early maturing potato with field pea, grass-pea, chick-pea and other leguminosae, a reliable source of high quality feed?
Research questions Grain: Wheat and barley - Does the increase in labour for row planting increase yield proportionally?
Research questions Faba bean -Identify disease affecting faba bean in the field demonstrations -Does the increase in labour for row planting increase yield proportionally? -Weeding versus intercropping for forage?
Research questions Enset - Which farmers’ practices further bacterial wilt spread in Enset cultures? - To what extent can potato replace Enset in rural communities?