What Is Happening To Our Young Americans?
n Facts n Questions n Heart n Heart Works n Pulse: n Pulse: Get the beat! n Lifestyles: n Lifestyles: Sedentary/Active n Are n Are you in the Zone? n Work n Work Out Time n Works n Works Cited
The Heart of the Issue- Stating the Facts n Heart disease is the number one killer of our youth today. We are a “fat” nation. We are a “fat” nation. n Inactivity is the number one reason for heart disease. n Your heart is a muscle that needs to be worked out! n You are as health as your heart!
There must be some answers? n What activities can I do to help my heart become stronger? n How do I know if I have a health heart? n Are all activities good for you?
The Heart Pumps You Up! n Blood n Blood flows from your heart to your lungs to pick up oxygen. n Next, n Next, it flows through arteries that take blood all the way through your body. n Veins n Veins pick up the carbon dioxide and de-oxygenated blood and carries it all back to your heart to circulate once again.
Your Heart Looks Like:
n Finding n Finding your pulse at either site: carotid or radial n Using n Using two fingers, lightly lay them on your carotid pulse or radial pulse. n Count n Count the beats. n After n After 6 seconds, add a “0” to that number and you have your heart beat per minute.
n Unhealthy n Unhealthy heart choices: video games, t.v. watching, net surfing, talking on the phone, riding the bus instead of walking. n Healthful n Healthful heart activities: walking, skate boarding, balling it up, swimming, soccer, dancing, and just plain moving! n Your n Your lifestyle will make a difference.
Are you in the Zone? You need your calculator: Formula: your age = Your maximum heart rate (you don’t want to exercise here-too much! You need your calculator: Formula: your age = Your maximum heart rate (you don’t want to exercise here-too much! Exercise between: 60% and 85% Exercise between: 60% and 85%
Let’s Get Ready to Rumble Activities that you need to complete for a total time of 20 minutes: cycling, treadmills, stair stepper, precors, and jump roping! Activities that you need to complete for a total time of 20 minutes: cycling, treadmills, stair stepper, precors, and jump roping! Your heart rate needs to stay in the zone while you exercise. Take your heart rate at the end of 10 minutes to see if you are in the zone. Your heart rate needs to stay in the zone while you exercise. Take your heart rate at the end of 10 minutes to see if you are in the zone.
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