Space Agency Organogram Space Agency Executive Space Affairs Council Space Agency Board Functional Programmes Thematic Programmes Space Advisory Committee Regulatory Enabling Technologies, Mission Development, Space Mission, Applications Earth Observation, Space Science & Exploration, Communication, Navigation
All Outsourced SAC CoCs Houwteq Institutions + Industry Prime Contractor Space Agency Environment DSTDTIDoDDoC Space Agency Long Term Structure Build space System Mission DefinitionSystem procurement Contract management Research & Development plan Facilities Techno development Technical management MinimumMaximum Quality standard Management System Space Segment Ground Segment TT & C Maintenance & Warranty Launcher Space Program
Budget Benchmarking (annual) NASA $16 billion ESA $3.8 billion CNES (French space agency) $2.2 billion JAXA (Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency) $2.0 billion RKA (Russian Federal Space Agency) $1.3 billion DLR (German Aerospace Center) $1.0 billion ISRO (Indian Space Research Organization) $815 million CNSA (Chinese National Space Administration) $500 million BNSC (British National Space Centre) $400 million Belgian science policy and space policy $230 million CDTI (Spanish space agency $175 million KARI (Korea Aerospace Research Institute) $150 million AEB (Brazilian Space Agency) $100 million South Africa current est. $15m-$75m
Budget Analysis Current spend is estimated between R120m to R600m, mainly on applications
Budget Analysis License Cost (SAC Only)
Key Elements of Bill
Purpose Of The Bill The Bill provides for: –the establishment of the South African National Space Agency as a public entity that will: co-ordinate and integrate national space science and technology programmes; and conduct long-term planning for and implementation of space related activities in South Africa for the benefit of all citizens –the appointment of the Board, the Chief Executive Officer and employees of the South African National Space Agency and Setting out the objects, powers and duties of the Agency
Objects Of The Bill Promote peaceful use of space; Support the creation of an environment conducive to industrial development in space technology; Foster research in astronomy, earth observation, communications, navigation and space physics; Advance scientific, engineering and technological competencies and capabilities through human capital development and outreach programmes; and Foster international co-operation in space related activities.
Functions Of The Agency implement any space programme in line with the policy determined in terms of the Space Affairs Act; advise the Minister on the development of national space science and technology strategies and programmes; implement any national space science and technology strategy; and acquire, assimilate and disseminate space satellite data for any organ of state
Space Agency Board The Board of the Agency will be established, and is responsible for the management and control of the Agency The Board shall consist of: –a chairperson appointed by the Minister; –not less than 10 and not more than 15 members; and –the Chief Executive Officer, as an ex offıcio member.
Term Of Office & Remuneration Four-year period and are eligible for re- appointment Remunerations and allowances will be determined by the Minister, with the concurrence of the Minister of Finance
Chief Executive Officer Appointed by Board Responsible for the day-to-day management of the affairs of the Agency Five year office term and may not serve more than two consecutive terms.
Funding Of Agency money appropriated by Parliament; revenue, including interest derived from investments; money raised or borrowed by the Agency and obtained from other sources donations and contributions
Regulations The Minister may make regulations with regard to any matter that may or must be prescribed in terms of this Act; or Any ancillary or incidental administrative or procedural matter necessary for the proper implementation or administration of this Act
Short Title And Commencement The Act will be called the South African National Space Agency Act, 2008 Date to be fixed by President by proclamation in the Gazette
Facilities To Be Migrated To Agency Houwteq assembly, integration and testing facility Satellite Application Centre
Process To Date Cabinet approved establishment of Space Agency Business case developed and submitted to NT and DPSA Draft NSA Bill was published in Government Gazette No of 31 August 2007 Public consultations undertaken Draft Bill revised and certified by the Office of the Chief State Law Adviser Bill approved by Portfolio Committee and National Assembly
Public Consultation One-on-one discussions with key role-players within the national system of innovation Participation in local and international meetings, seminars, conferences and group discussions High-level presentations to DG clusters, intergovernmental committee and public forums Public invitations for submitting comments to the draft legislation
Public Consultation Cont. Comments to the draft legislation received from: –Space Council –Science Councils & Research Institutions –Higher Education Institutions –Government Departments –State Owned Enterprises –Private sector –S&T Networking and Collaboration forums
Comments From Public Consultation Overall positive feedback Relationship between Agency and Council Integration of Houwteq and Satellite Application Centre Involvement of private sector
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