English Language Arts Program Update Lisa M. White, ELA Coordinator School Committee Meeting March 5, 2012
Massachusetts Curriculum Framework for English Language Arts and Literacy Common Core State Standards with several MA- specific additions Adopted on December 21, 2010 “Official” printed booklets from DESE given to all teachers in September of Ongoing work by PARCC (Partnership for the Assessment of Readiness of College and Careers)
8 Key Shifts in Common Core Vertical alignment using backwards mapping Focus on comprehension of informational text Expectation: Independent reading of increasingly complex text Addition: Foundational reading skills in grades 4-5
8 Key Shifts in Common Core Focus on language development and academic vocabulary Use of oral language to communicate and collaborate Purposeful writing to inform and argue a point of view Focus on disciplinary (content area) literacy
Implementation of MA Standards: Year One (in progress) Revision of all Plymouth curriculum documents to align with state standards Professional Development to familiarize teachers with standards and discuss implications for instruction (all levels) Purchase of books and instructional materials as needed to support changes to courses, expectations, etc.
District Work: Elementary (K-5) Literacy Embedded PD Model (Year 4) PPS District Documents: Balanced Literacy Instruction: Principles and Practices in the Elementary Classroom Elementary Literacy Assessment Implementation of Words Their Way: Word Study for Phonics, Vocabulary, and Spelling Instruction
Balanced Literacy Instruction This approach to instruction balances the explicit teaching of skills and strategies through demonstration with ample opportunities to apply these skills and strategies to authentic reading and writing experiences.
TEACHER RESPONSIBILITY STUDENT RESPONSIBILITY Focus Lesson Guided Instruction “I do it” “We do it” “You do it together” Collaborative Independent “You do it alone” A Model for Success for All Students Fisher, D., & Frey, N. (2008). Better learning through structured teaching: A framework for the gradual release of responsibility. Alexandria, VA: Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development.
Assessment-Driven Instruction Ongoing assessment allows us to identify students’ strengths and goal areas and monitor progress and performance over time, differentiating instruction to best meet the diverse needs of our students.
Early Reading Interventions Leveled Literacy Intervention (LLI) and Reading Recovery (RR) Linked to Assessments (neediest students) Small group (LLI) or one-to-one (RR) instruction 30 minutes, 4-5 days a week, weeks Foundation for RTI Model
District Work: Secondary (6-12) Scholastic Reading Inventory (SRI) Grades 6-9, 3 times a year HS Course Revisions/Common Syllabi Semester Focus Areas for Grade 9 World Literature moved to Grade 10 Addition of AP Language (this year) Electives for seniors Multi-level, choice
HS English Courses: Grade 9 – English Composition and Critical Reading Grade 10 – World Literature Grade 11 – American Literature, AP Language Grade 12 – Senior Electives, AP Literature
ELA Department Focus Areas: Gradual Release Model Authentic Student-Centered Discussions Independent Reading of Increasingly Complex Texts (choice) Reading Across Text Types Student Writing Folders Focus on audience and purpose
New Focus Areas Integration of Technology Public Speaking Authentic Assessment
Literacy and Learning Across the Curriculum (6-12) District Literacy Action Team Building Literacy Action Teams Goals linked to: PPS Strategic Plan I3 and SLC grants District and Building Improvement Plans Professional Development (PCG support) Student Voices