SMEs Division Activities of SMEs Division December 2007, Jeju Dr. Guriqbal Singh Jaiya Director Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises Division World Intellectual Property Organization
SMEs Division 2 Status: An intl intergovernmental organization Member States: 183 Staff: 915 from 94 countries Treaties Administered: 24 Decisions by: GA, WIPO Conference Guiding Principles: Transparency, Accountability, Consensus To promote the protection of IP rights worldwide and extend the benefits of the international IP system to all member States WIPOs Mission: Basic Facts about WIPO
SMEs Division 3 WIPO Milestones : 1883 to 2007 Paris Convention Berne Convention Madrid Agreement BIRPI Hague Agreement BIRPI moves to Geneva WIPO Convention WIPO established PCT Madrid Protocol Internet Treaties
SMEs Division 4 Outreach Intellectual Property Offices Public Sector & Policy-Makers Entrepreneurs, SMEs, Universities, R & D Institutions, General Public & Civil Society Building awareness
SMEs Division 5 WIPOs Activities Norm- Setting Services to Industry Enterprise and Economic Development
SMEs Division 6 SMEs Division: Background In September 2000, the WIPO Assemblies approved the creation of a substantial new program of activities, focusing on the IP-related needs of SMEs worldwide SMEs Division established in October 2000
SMEs Division 7 (1) Demystification Studies Guides Events and expert missions Website and newsletter CD-ROM Magazine articles
SMEs Division 8 Strategy 1.Demystification 2.New audience 3.New Areas 4.Proactive 5.E-Services 6.Partnership
SMEs Division 9 (1) Demystification (Guides) WIPO/ITC Guide on Marketing of Crafts and Visual Arts; Role of Intellectual Property; A practical guide WIPO/ITC Guide on Secrets of Intellectual Property: Guide for Small and Medium Sized Exporters WIPO/ITC Guide on Exchanging Value: Negotiating Technology Licensing Agreements - A Training Manual ITC Guide on Exporting Automotive Components ITC Guide on Pharmaceutical SMEs (Forthcoming)
SMEs Division 10
SMEs Division 11 (1) Demystification (Guides) IP for Business Series Making a Mark (Trademarks) Looking Good (Designs) Inventing the Future (Patents) Creative Expression (Copyrights)
SMEs Division 12 Translation and/or customization: Under way, with funding from several sources, in the following countries: Algeria, Argentina, Australia, Bulgaria, Canada, Croatia, Czech Republic, Democratic Peoples Republic of Korea, Egypt, Estonia, Hungary, Italy, India, Israel, Kenya, Laos, Latvia, Lebanon, Lithuania, Macedonia, Malaysia, Malta, Moldova, Mongolia, Morocco, Mozamb, Myanmar, Nepal, New Zealand, Philippines, Poland, Romania, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sri Lanka, Tanzania, Tunisia, Turkey, Vietnam 16 Countries members of the OAPI (1) Demystification (Guides)
SMEs Division 13 (1) Demystification (Events) Special programs, seminar and workshops organized by the SMEs Division in Geneva in partnership with selected associations and organizations Annual WIPO Forum on IP and SMEs for IP Offices of OECD Countries
SMEs Division 14 (1) Demystification (Website) The Website of the SMEs Division is in six UN languages (English, French, Spanish, Arabic, Russian and Chinese) More than 160,000 pages viewed every month in 2005 Contents include sections such as IP for Business, IP and E-Commerce, Activities, Best Practices, Case Studies and Documents
SMEs Division 15 (1) Demystification (Website)
SMEs Division 16 (1) Demystification (Newsletter) Monthly e-newsletter in the 6 UN languages (Free) Content includes articles, updates with information, links and documents Launched in August 2001 Total number of subscribers: >26,000
SMEs Division 17 (1) Demystification (CD-ROM) 50,000 copies of the SMEs Division CD- ROM distributed to SME support institutions, IP Offices and others worldwide Marketing and customization E-learning CD ROM (in partnership with KIPO: IP PANORAMA)
SMEs Division 18 (1) Demystification (Articles) Some articles recently published: What to do if you are accused of copyright infringement Tapping into Patent Information: a buried treasure International trade in technology – licensing of know- how and trade secrets Intellectual Property and E-commerce: how to take care of your business website Offshore outsourcing and IP Savvy marketing: merchandising of IP rights
SMEs Division 19 (2) New Audience Bringing IP issues to SME events Bringing new business perspective to IP events New partnership: Open door policy IGOs, government focal points, SME support, training and financial institutions, chambers of commerce and industry, SME associations, SME research institutions, private sector institutions, universities, etc...
SMEs Division 20 (3) New Areas IP for financing (venture capital, securitization) Accounting and valuation of IP assets IP Asset Management, IP Due Diligence and IP Audit Fiscal policies and IP (tax incentives for R&D activities, patenting, licensing etc.) IP services to SMEs by incubators, technology parks, chambers of commerce and SME associations IP needs of SMEs in agriculture, biotechnology, handicrafts, software, textiles, etc
SMEs Division 21 (4) Being Proactive Original Content Links Best Practices Case Studies Country Studies
SMEs Division 22 (5) E-Services Web site content SME mail newsletter; monthly Distance learning (IP PANORAMA)
SMEs Division 23 (6) Partnership National and Regional IP Offices National SME focal points in government, private sector Chambers of Commerce and Industry SME Associations; Cooperatives Incubators, Science Parks, Technology Parks Universities; R & D Institutes Private Sector Consultants SME Finance Institutions (including venture capitalists) Other UN Agencies (ITC, ILO, UNIDO, AfDB)