The Jefferson Era
I. Electoral College A. B. C. D.Jefferson and Burr had the same number of electoral votes in Who decides? 1. House of Representatives voted 35 times until Jefferson finally received the winning vote 2. Why important?
II. Executive Branch () A. Transfer of power () Change of administration NOT followed by period of violence or political chaos B. Louisiana Purchase 1. 2.
III. Legislative Branch() A. Repeal of taxes 1. B. Lapse() of Laws 1. Naturalization Act 2. Sedition Act C. Minor Changes made by Jefferson “When brought together in society, all are perfectly equal.” –Jefferson
IV. Judicial Branch () A. Marbury v. Madison (p. 279) B. Chief Justice Marshall gave the federal government MORE POWER 1.ELASTIC CLAUSE a. b. c. Elastic Clause allows Congress to do more than the Constitution expressly authorizes it to do (Internet)
The Corps of Discovery: Lewis and Clark
A Time of Conflict I. Early 1800’s A. Period of European wars 1. B. Wars threatened the U.S. policy of neutrality C. Impressment 1.British forced U.S. sailors into Royal Navy 2. T.J. and Congress pass the Embargo Act( ) 3. Embargo Act replaced by the Non- Intercourse Act( )
II.James Madison elected president in 1808 A.War of American Revolution, Part II 2. Warhawks pressured Madison into declaring war on Great Britain in 1812 a. Why is it crucial that U.S. wins? B. Francis Scott Key wrote the “Star Spangled Banner” C. Battle of New Orleans 1.Andrew Jackson D. Treaty of Ghent( ) 1.Ended War of 1812
III. Frontier Conflicts A. Between white settlers continued to move WEST() 1. Native Americans had given up close to 100 million acres B. Tecumseh and The Prophet 1. brothers 2. great leaders a. C. Conflict with Harrison in Indiana Territory 1.Quote, p Excuses to fight Native Americans for land 3.Whites were trying to “Divide and Conquer” the Native Americans 4.Whites viewed the Native American tribes as nations a. b.