Chapter 3 – The Growth of a Young Nation 3-1 The Jeffersonian Era U.S. History Chapter 3 – The Growth of a Young Nation 3-1 The Jeffersonian Era
The Jeffersonian Era CA Standards: 11.1.3 Understand the history of the Constitution after 1787 with emphasis on federal versus state authority and growing democratization. Objectives: Identify significant changes that occurred during Jefferson’s presidency. Explain the causes and consequences of the War of 1812. Summarize the ways in which nationalism shaped American foreign policy.
Homework Write definition of Terms & Names found on page 120 of textbook Read pages 120 - 129 The Americans: Reconstruction to the 21st Century Prepare for Open notebook Quiz
Main Idea The Jeffersonian Era During the presidencies of Thomas Jefferson, James Madison, and James Monroe, the country grew in both size and prestige.
Why It Matters Now The Jeffersonian Era Today’s Democratic Party traces its roots to Jefferson and the Democratic-Republicans.
Terms & Names page 112 The Jeffersonian Era Democratic-Republican Jeffersonian Republicanism Marbury vs Madison John Marshall Judicial Review Louisiana Purchase Impressment Monroe Doctrine
Notes: 3-1 Guided Reading The Jeffersonian Era Read Pages 35 & 36 Reading Study Guide
Notes: 3-1 Guided Reading 1. What are two ways in which Jefferson’s presidency was important? He believed in small government & tried to give power to the people and the states. He doubled the physical size of the United States with the Louisiana Purchase.
Notes: 3-1 Guided Reading 2. What were the two reasons the United States went to war with Great Britain? Americans were angry about impressment They also thought the British were helping and encouraging Native Americans to fight against the United States
Notes: 3-1 Guided Reading 3. Name three things that marked Monroe’s foreign policy? The Monroe Doctrine Nationalism Adding Florida to the United States
Monroe Doctrine
Louisiana Purchase
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