Online Data Flanders Marine Data & Information Centre InnovOcean site SeadataNet Annual Meeting, Madrid 2009
Outline 1.Introduction Flanders Marine Data and Information Centre 2.Biological data holdings Biogeographic Data: European Ocean Biogeographic Information System (EurOBIS) Taxonomic Data: World Register of Marine Species (WoRMS) 3.Sampling data holdings IMERS Data (integrated physical/chemical/biological data) 4.Operational data holdings Sea level station monitoring facility Data acquisition system Zeeleeuw R.V. 5. Geographic Information Systems Marine placenames and boundaries Scheldt Geo Data Portal
1.Introduction Flanders Marine Data and Information Centre VLIZ is a scientific institution, but does not conduct scientific research Hosts marine datacentre (provides expertise in terms of data management: development, maintenance, hosting) Logistic support (managing research vessel Zeeleeuw, greenhouses) Hosts marine (digital) library Communication desk: translation of scientific results to policy and public at large VLIZ does not generate data Except for data acquisition system on board of the Zeeleeuw Added value by integrating data sets from different sources Added value by creating data compilations
2.Biological data holdings EurOBIS: European Ocean Biogeographic Information System Distributed system to search for biogeographic data of European Marine Species Species – position - time Developed within framework of EU FP6 – MarBEF NoE 1 of the 6 regional nodes of OBIS Distributed system: local managers manage own data Through DIGIR Standards: DARWIN Core (XML-Scheme for biogeographic information) WoRMS for Taxonomy
2.Biological data holdings EurOBIS: European Ocean Biogeographic Information System Statistics (March 2009) 171 Datasets (data providers) 5,204,807 distribution records
2.Biological data holdings Taxonomic Data: World Register of Marine Species (WoRMS) Standard list for marine species names accepted by many datacentra (proposed standard by IODE/GEBICH) WoRMS builds on experience European Register of Marine Species WoRMS provides the first authoritative list of names of all marine and brackish water species world-wide WoRMS is the marine contribution to the Species2000 & ITIS’ Catalogue of Life, and will collaborate with the Global Biodiversity Information Facility (GBIF) & Encyclopedia of Life (EoL)’s It serves as the taxonomic backbone of the international Ocean Biogeographic Information System (iOBIS) Through FP7-PESI VLIZ will host also European freshwater and terrestrial checklists (Fauna Europaea & EurMed Plantbase)
2.Biological data holdings Taxonomic Data: World Register of Marine Species (WoRMS) Statistics (March 2009) 142 taxonomists, 92 institutes, 26 countries142 taxonomists, 92 institutes, 26 countries 250,756 taxa250,756 taxa 200,370 species names; 135,800 valid species200,370 species names; 135,800 valid species 124,4878 literature sources; 3,306 specimens124,4878 literature sources; 3,306 specimens ERMS #RSDs & GSDs MASDEA & TISBE
3.Sampling data holdings IMERS Data (integrated physical/chemical/biological data) Making data from different sources and collected over different periods available in an integrated way Cruise Station Sample ChemicalPhysical Metadata Data Biological
3.Sampling data holdings IMERS Data (integrated physical/chemical/biological data) Statistics (March 2008) Physical-chemical data: readings for 855 parameters Water measurements: > Sediment measurements: > Biological data: readings (for taxa) Abundance, biomass, length measurements, # eggs,.... Availability (March 2008) Partly online freely accessible (under memorandum) Link with IDOD Database (MUMM)
3.Physicochemical data holdings IMERS Data (integrated physical/chemical/biological data) –Online search interface:
3.Sampling data holdings IMERS Data (integrated physical/chemical/biological data) –Online GIS interface:
4.Operational data Sea level station monitoring facility for IODE and GLOSS, IOC 300 tide gauges from >70 dataproviders Monitors the operational status of sea level stations in World Oceans in real-time plots sea level data (recent and historic) and download sea level data Collects data from GTS (WMO Network), FTP, Webservices,
4.Operational data Sea level station monitoring facility
4.Operational data Data acquisition system Zeeleeuw R.V. Navigational, metereological and oceanographic parameters while underway VLIZ Monitoring data (11 stations, 10 years) CTD casts uploaded as CDI Records, rest to follow
5.Geographic Information Systems Standards for Marine placenames and boundaries VLIMAR Gazetteer: Standardisation Marine Placenames for MarBEF data systems Online list of geo-objects Placename, Placetype, Coordinates Relations ~ hierachical
5.Geographic Information Systems Standards for Marine placenames and boundaries MARBOUND: Maritime Boundaries Database Maritime boundaries (Polyline, Polygon (~ EEZ)) Website – free downloadable EEZ layers (shapefiles); > 2300 registered users Map interface (open-source MapServer (OGC)) Application: National species checklists
Detail EEZ United Kingdom
5.Geographic Information Systems Scheldt Geo Data Portal Integrated data portal on Scheldt Estuary (BE-NL) Biological/physical/chemical/sampling data Monitoring data Maps/GIS layers for spatial planning and environmental management Metadata (Literature, Datasets, Publications) Dataproviders from BE/NL DONAR, VMM, INBO, NIOO, VLIZ Data ‘Atlas’ of the Scheldt (International Coastal Atlas Network: ICAN) OGC compliant Web Services (GeoServer, GML) Web Feature Service (WFS)~vector data Web Map Service (WMS)~maps INSPIRE Directive