1 13 th SafeProbe Meeting , Venaria (Torino) SP1 – SAFEPROBE MEETING: Gateway – Radar - VANET
2 13 th SafeProbe Meeting , Venaria (Torino) VANET - Hardware Hardware: the VANET choice is: PC: Motherboard: Alix.3c3 (~150 Euro) Storage: CompactFlash Card 4GB (~32euro) 2 possible options not interoperable for the Wireless part: –QFree Custom p* card (with – released driver) OR –Ubiquiti SR a card (with opensource driver) Antennas: as defined in the D 1.4.2
3 13 th SafeProbe Meeting , Venaria (Torino) VANET - Software SW: OS:Linux Router version number Full Beaconing support Single Hop Message support (Unicast/Broadcast) Simple Congestion Control (provided by CNMR) Full Interfaces to MsgManager Missing: - GeoAddressing support - Full Congestion Control Functionality
4 13 th SafeProbe Meeting , Venaria (Torino) RADAR SCOVA –The radar is correctly installed and works properly. A first procedure to calibrate the device has been already done, but need to be refined (D 1.5.1); SAFEPROBE –The radar was re-mounted after the C2C demo. The device is correctly installed and works properly, but no calibration test have been done so far. Next steps: calibration of the device following the specification contained in D
5 13 th SafeProbe Meeting , Venaria (Torino) GATEWAY SCOVA: –Final and complete version, able to manage all the UDP messages defined in the SF deliverable (v 2.13) SAFEPROBE –Not final and complete version due to some harness issues some more investigations are on going to define the solution. At the moment the power off and some minor status are not supported. No conseguences on the real test.
6 13 th SafeProbe Meeting , Venaria (Torino) Positioning Test on the field with both vehicles log of the data and report to SP3 for analisys: no feedback up to now. A new release of Positioning Sw has been relseased and installed on the vehicles: this camera should fix some of the bugs from the previous versions, but at the moment are evident some crashes and repetitive problems. No feedback about the use of the vehicular data in the last release (presence of jumps) It seems (with the OR-tester) that some jumps in the vehicle position are still present caused (probably) by: –Positioning problem or –Precision in the use of the positioning data by the Framework. In the next period, further test will be performed to evaluate the output coming from the positioning module.
7 13 th SafeProbe Meeting , Venaria (Torino) LASER Broken at the beginning of September sent to IBEO to repair. –Not available at the moment, no date from IBEO about when it will be back; –No further test have been possible; The data acquisition chain is incomplete: only radar and vanet available.