1 Duplin County Schools/NCNSP Self-Assessment Process
2 Self-Assessment Process Analysis – Reflection Action Plan
3 Self-Assessment Analysis Self-Assessment Analysis Document: Section 1: Review your school data and the Design Principle Rubric and identify trends/surprises found in the data. Section 2: Describe your school’s progress on the continuum from Beginning to New Paradigms for each Design Principle Rubric. Section 3: Discuss strengths and resources of the school Section 4: Identify 2-3 areas for further study and write a problem statement for each one. Section 5: Summarize your findings and reflect on your identified areas of study in your reflection document.
4 Self-Assessment Reflection Review Sample Self-Assessment Reflection
5 Self-Assessment Action Plan Steps for completing the Self-Assessment Action Plan: Using your findings from your Analysis and Reflection documents, select an area for study. -Example: Academic Growth, Retention, Algebra Enrollment, etc. Within the Areas for Study boxes, indicate your Areas of Study and correlating problem statements (select 2-3 Areas of Study). See handout for Writing Effective Problem Statements. Identify a SMART Goal for each problem statement Identify the desired evidence needed to measure your school’s progress on the selected areas for study. List them in the Desired Evidence column. Identify specific strategies and a timeline for achieving the desired evidence that will lead to the attainment of the SMART goal. Also clearly define the person(s) responsible for implementing each strategy and monitoring the timeline.
6 Self-Assessment Timeline April 27: Complete sections 1-4 of Analysis Form April 27 – June 1: School designee compiles collective Analysis Form and completes Section 5(Reflection) of Analysis Form
7 Self-Assessment Timeline June 14 Common Core Day: Schools complete the Self-Assessment Action Plan July 16: Final Self-Assessment Analysis, Reflection, and Action Plan due electronically (see notes for details)