Members: Camila González. Bárbara Mercado. Paulina Ramírez.
Historical context. recognized around the whole Europe and used over the time by other linguistic groups. Rise of the England view of linguistic in secret (XIII Century). becomes important to a nation with an offical language.
Representats. Henry Sweet ( ) English philologist, phonetician and grammarian. He was specialist in the Germanic languages, particulary Old English and Old Norse. Their studies were based in detailed understanding of the workings of the vocal organs.
John Rupert Firth ( ) All branches of linguistics are concerned with ‘meaning’, even phonetics. Worked in the phonetics department of University College London.
Daniel Jones ( ) He was involved in the development of the international Phonetic Alphabet from He invented the system of cardinal reference-points, which made precise and consistent transcription possible in the case of vowels. Is studied as a part of social process and Social activity. Every utterance must be considered and understood within its context of situation.
Theory of meaning Meaning is used in context Human behavior as a series of observable patterns To equate the meaning of a word with the range of verbal context in which it occurs
CONTEXT OF SITUATION Construct that is applied especially to repetitive events in the social process, consisting of various levels of analysis. LEVELS: Phonetic, phonological, grammatical and lexical.
FIRTHIAN PSICOLOGICAL ANALISIS Firth, recognizes a number of systems of prosodies operating at various point in structure. One result of this is that utterances are represented as having a phonological hierachical structure
LONDON SCHOOLS Grammatical considerations. American Descriptivist
Bronislaw Malinowski
SYSTEMIC GRAMMAR SG, Seems to be more successful than Transformational grammar (Chomsky). It aims taxonomy for sentences (means of descriptively classifying particular sentences). It provides a battery of descriptive terms which enable the linguist giving characteristics of sentences.
Halliday Systemic functional Grammar
RANKS HALLIDAY It refers to a scale of sizes of grammatical unit roughly speaking: The lowest-ranking unit is the Morpheme, the highesy-ranking is the sentence. Any grammatical system will operate at a specific rank.
DELICACY HALLIDAY Halliday identifies seven functions that language has for children in their early years The first four functions help the child to satisfy physical, emotional and social needs age has for children in their early years
Instrumental: This is when the child uses language to express their needs (e.g.'Want juice') Regulatory: This is where language is used to tell others what to do (e.g. 'Go away') Interactional: Here language is used to make contact with others and form relationships (e.g. 'Love you, mummy') Personal: This is the use of language to express feelings, opinions, and individual identity (e.g. 'Me good girl')
CAMBIAR EJEMPLOOS!! Heuristic: This is when language is used to gain knowledge about the environment (e.g. 'What the tractor doing?') Imaginative: Here language is used to tell stories and jokes, and to create an imaginary environment. Representational: The use of language to convey facts and information.